Thursday, May 1, 2008

Love In This Club, In My House

I am still not tired of Ushers' "Love In This Club". I have it turned up loud, and my favorite time to hear it is first thing in the morning--

Is there a country where people get up early in the morning to dance?

I sort of want a drink too, before attempting fiction and to get the morning started, purely for the "should not but am going to indulge my senses just because I can" but I've got my coffee.

If I were running a campaign, I'd start it off every morning with this song. Just to get people movin'. We could all do the little Usher group dance from the MTV video "Love In This Club". Kicking our legs out like we're skipping rope...

I just realized I need to take up an early morning dance/aerobic class. But it should be one in a club with very loud music.

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