Thursday, May 1, 2008

Wild Horses

I sang back-up to the Stones' song "Wild Horses" recently. Just harmony to the chorus. Am going to be working on my guitar and songwriting again too.

I saw White Rock and Semiahmoo for the first time. White Rock is on the Canadian border between the U.S., and heard there are people who try to snorkel from one side to the other, but there's underwater sonar in place from WWII when they were looking out for subs. I must know more!

I also found out one of the main restaurants in town used to be a bordello. A thriving one, apparently.

Wanted to talk more with a couple of men, one outside the door, last night, but was calling for a ride for someone who had had too much to drink.

Oooh, that was NOT a good sequeway--from my line about the bordello to my next line about wanting to meet a couple of men from last night. Kinda funny though, looking at it now.

I'm learning about this town, but there's more. I can feel it. There is something special about this town and I have to find out what it is. I think I'm beginning a love affair with border towns. Wouldn't it be fun to travel around and live next to borders, all over the world--borders which separate countries, and write their stories?!!

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