Tuesday, May 13, 2008

John McCain's Marbles

Cat's eye marbles were among my favorites as a little girl. I think my passion for glass marbles is what brings me, now, as an adult, to a love for glass art. Good glass art, that is. Why is mental stuff paralled with marbles? Losing marbles?

Is it the image of a big jar full of marbles, which gets tipped over and marbles go rolling out every which way?

More importantly, why is someone who survived a traumatic incident "at risk" of having lost their marbles? Or their bearings?

Someone goes through a horrible experience, and makes it through, intact, and some people can't even give that person the credit for actually being strong enough to have not just survived, but able to thrive afterwards?

This kind of stigma is irresponsible and disgraceful. It's exactly why GIs are coming back from war and not feeling they can get counseling even if they'd like to. They know better.

The people who perpetuate this myth and cause society to view counseling or damages, or even a temporary mental illness as draining a person's WORTH, should be hung upside down by their feet so the blood can get to their heads.

Unfortunately, the people who attempt to find progressive ways of dealing with trauma are harassed by the very most mentally ill--those whose social constructs are so narrow and delusional so as to serve their own interests and keep themselves "above" the fray, falling in below as a result.

This political campaign is drawing out almost the very worst of our prejudices. Religion hatred, mental health digs, age discrimination, racial prejudice...It's all there.

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