Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Health Problems For Me & My Son

I wish I could report on whether I had a second migraine after getting the first one, but I kept waiting for it because I never had a period inbetween. So, no period. I've not had my period even half of the time since my son and I were going through whatever it was that caused so much pain back at the house, when we had all the bizarre medical symptoms. I have only had 3 periods since that whole thing began. Which is completely abnormal for me.

I'm not having periods anymore, and my son cannot speak any longer.

But supposedly, I just "imagined" this whole thing. I didn't imagine anything. It happened, and so far, I don't see anyone looking into it.

More than one person know what happened and I am begging someone to come forward, if even to get immunity in exchange for testifying about others.

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