Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Radiation-Induced Menopause

In 8 months I've only had 3 normal periods. I quit having them, and started having problems the same time I was going through the bizarre pain symptoms and had computer problems which Andy Panda said could only be caused by microwave technology or some kind of radiation.

I was not going through premenopause prior to this and had had my horomone levels checked and they were normal.

I just checked online and there is such a thing as "radiation-induced menopause" and that's what I think is going on. I wasn't delusional. What was happening to me and my son was happening, and it was extremely painful, worse than anything I've ever been through in my life, and I asked for help and almost got locked into a mental ward as a result because no one listened to me or believed me. I left for Canada, but too late. And I'm still being punished for being tortured, and my son continues to be punished, after both he and his own mother endured torture for months.

It was as bad as I said it was and if my posts seem strange from then, they should have, because it was so bad I thought I MIGHT lose my mind, if I and my son didn't die first. I believed we were dying. I tried to think of what it could be, and the only thing it could have been, was something that sounded too incredible to be true.

I knew we were in trouble and needed protection a long time ago, and I asked more than one source or agency for help, even outside of this country.

No one helped me or my son, and we are still punished for the evil committed by others.

I want biological assay of my tissues, blood sample, and teeth. The evidence is in my body. I don't want anyone fucking telling me or anyone else I have mental issues until someone fucking does this, and does it fast.

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