Thursday, May 8, 2008

Monet's House of Parliament (Effect of Sunlight in the Fog) 1900

The painting that I had selected to paint on a wall of my apartment, which I showed to Christa, was this Monet. "Le parlement, trouee de soleil dans le brouilard".

Then, after I told her this, Beau Blixseth tells me, out of the blue, on the way to the restaurant for a glass of wine, that he wants to paint this painting on a way at HIS place. I had said nothing to him about my plans.

This stood out to me because if someone couldn't have known this about me by overhearing a conversation, because I didn't say the title over the phone or in person. I showed it to her, and later, I checked the title.

I'm going out of order to write this, and now going back to when I met up with Dan Gatti, but for some reason, wanted to put this out there now.

UPDATE: I had to fix the title. I had to check and make sure it was the right one and it was this one "effect of sunlight in the fog" not "sun through fog". It was the one with all the orange and the smear effect. I don't even like the other one much, but this one, I think, is spectacular.

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