Thursday, May 8, 2008

Self-Preservation For Wenatchee: My "Deal"

I clarified for my lawyer this morning that I don't care about the swingers of Wenatchee, except where it can help cut through the crap and get my son back with me sooner than later.

I would not give warnings about revealing photos and connections, to any swinger group, because I really don't care and I'm not on a morality crusade. I'm having to cut through weird politics of Wenatchee, and under extraordinary circumstances, I feel pressured to use other means of getting things done.

I DO think some investigative reporters should be in with all the swingers, everywhere, just to do some undercover "discovery" as to who is sleeping with whom and how it affects our justice system, politics, or anything else of public interest. I personally don't want the job, but I'm sure someone out there does, and if that person can keep their own nose clean while digging up the dirt, that would be great.

Basically, if I get my son back, nobody gets "hurt". I mean, no photos come out, no further revelations, no ADA, no lawsuits, whatever. If some people don't think I'm good for my word about this, just ask John Kaempf and Dick Whittemore. I may stall and show my cards, and give people too much time to cover their tracks, but I'm generally good for my word, and quite determined.

You'd better believe I'm serious. I tried playing the conservative way, but now, if I have to get dirty, I'm getting dirty.

I haven't brought up the cocaine connections in Yakima yet either, and from my research online, there has been no bust.

My son comes back to me, when he never should have been taken to begin with, and people can sit back and relax. I think the choice now is between revenge and self-preservation. You can either hope to continue getting some satisfaction out of revenge against me, or you can quit while you're ahead. I'm catching up to you, and it won't be pretty when I, actually, "we", do.

You'd do the same thing if it was your son.

I will do anything for my son, and that means ANYTHING.

What that means for now, is that now, at this point, I am going to move forward as if we didn't just have this "discussion" and I'm going to jump through a couple of protocol hoops and give certain people the chance to come up with an idea to get out of this mess gracefully, self-preservation intact. We can make it look however we want to make it look, but I'm also working with a timeline, and if I get my releases sent to Cassel and a couple other things, and things don't fall into place after that, I will bring all the skeletons out of the closet. I'm not the only one who knows either, so don't think you can focus on getting rid of me.

You've been taking and taking from me, and enjoying it. Now, you can give a little, and make it professional for appearances. I'm sure you'll think of something, and I am good for my word as well. If I say I will NOT do something, and that I'm willing to strike a "deal" of sorts, I mean it and stand by it. It is not very often that I'm willing to compromise in ANY way, so I'd think seriously about it. I think a lot of marriages and careers could be saved.

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