Thursday, May 8, 2008

On Sugardaddy Websites

I had someone refer me to a couple of sites to check out for fun. I couldn't resist. They were "sugardaddy" sites. I looked at two, very briefly, not having tons of time for such entertainment, and wow...There is a serious market for sugardaddy relationships.

On one of the sites, "suggardaddy4you", people can narrow down to exactly what type of relationship they're looking for, all the way down to whether they want an extramarital arrangement or not. This site had all kinds of people. There actually seemed to be almost as many men as women, but some of the men!!! Well, let's just say they were not exactly "sugardaddies".

Then I went to this other site, called "sugardaddies" (plural) which professes to be "in good taste" (as if subscribing to such a site is EVER 'in good taste', but I did, to see what I could find out), and caters to the professional and beautiful. I wouldn't say classy, but actually, most of the people on this site, men at least, were educated, well-groomed, and most of them seemed to be interested in more of a long-term relationship. These guys, the majority, were not "sugardaddies", they were just men who were professionals and figured their money could attract better looking women. So I checked out the women and I was shocked. There were about 5 women per 1 guy as members to the site, and almost all of the women were stunning.

I was shocked by how many beautiful women were advertising their goods. Women of every hair color, body type, and disposition, but all were drop dead gorgeous with pretty faces and great bodies. Either this is the result of some photoshopping and good lighting, or it's simply a fact: the competition is tough these days.

This post will end up as a promo for the site, but I had to write about it. The thing that stood out though, was that these guys were advertising themselves on a "sugardaddy" site and yet making comments about how they didn't want to be "used" or be with a gold-digger. ?! There were not as many "true" "sugardaddies" there. A lot of these guys were wearing their hearts on their sleeves as well, and using adjectives which would appeal to women who are looking for a serious partner or marriage. I think they had the idea they could go to this site and find arm candy women, but still hope these women were going to be interested in them for who they were and not their money at all. I don't know. I was confused. And then, on this site, you couldn't select whether you wanted to find someone who only wanted a sugardaddy relationship (involving financial exchange) and between those who were open to something else (regular romantic relationship).

Anyway, and all those faces and photos! It was fun to check it out and we'll see if I get any "mail", but I think Americans don't have the same concept of sugardaddy that Europeans and Asians do.

If I were a woman, I wouldn't recommend wasting your time on the sites, unless you're model beautiful, because the odds are out of proportion, but for men, it could be the best way to find someone if you're busy, travel a lot, live in a small town, or can't find someone the good old-fashioned way.

It's crazy how "in demand" this stuff is though. While there were a lot of women on the site, there were thousands of men too, and a bunch of new members every few minutes, being added to the site. What got to me, I guess, was how dishonest it seemed to be. I mean, the site made it clear what the definition of "sugardaddy" was, but the men (and women) didn't want to admit to it (most of them that is) or be straight up. It was like an unspoken thing with people wanting to make it seem less of an issue than it is, or trying to conceal what it is. I don't know, I guess like many marriages. I'm confused.

I'm glad I checked it out. I used to get so offended when my Dad would say to me: "You need a sugardaddy." I remember thinking "Eeew" and I've run from all of my opportunities to "snag one" or BE snagged by one. Suddenly, I'm voluntarily checking out a site, which was weird.

UPDATE: Reminder to myself to flesh this post out. About how the older SD (sugardaddies) used photos of themselves by boats and younger SDs held cigars. What's the freakin' deal with the cigars? and the lolita women and how they advertise themselves "can I ride on your handlebars?" and my intros which were like getting news from CNN instead of a playgirl and how the scientist guy was the only one not very smooth, with an intro asking: "Ready to coinvestigate?" and a photo of himself looking very scientific and buttoned-up and pale. My response to a query for dominatrix-lite, how I didn't know what it meant but that I knew how to be demanding--"Give me your money, NOW!" I wrote, joking. and the other one who says he wants someone who is "selfish" AND "unselfish" between the sheets and I responded saying he would know it was true "When I TAKE all the blankets and GIVE you the boot." of course I'm laughing to myself as I write these things and wondering if I'm really serious about it or just amusing myself.

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