Thursday, May 8, 2008

Truth As Danger & My Name On Internet

This has become very interesting. The more I reveal about what others have done, the more I notice my blog and posts are rearranged online to only bring up posts which, out of context, make me sound nuts.

I also notice how the Willamette Week article about me takes precedence (ha!) and also how Central Washington Hospital couldn't resist putting their claim about me online.

The more the dirt comes out, the more people try to conceal it, still. Even when it's available online.

I really think, after I'm done with this blog and the true story posts, that I need to publish my story in its full form, with all relevant documents that prove my story. In a book.

I also find it interesting how some people manage to keep their names out of the Internet, and some organizations.

The more it heats up, the more I notice how incredible the efforts are, STILL.

I haven't even explained anything about the what was happening with the lawsuits and FBI and Portland police yet!

Some people are following my blog, as I write this out, and I know the truth won't be hidden as long as I'm willing to speak up and document it. People can take things out of context all they want, but for anyone who really wants to know, they can follow the posts in order and come to their own conclusions.

I'm okay with that. More than okay with that. I finally feel I am getting things taken care of. I am confident in the ability of the Truth to stand on its own, whether others try to obscure it or not.

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