Sunday, May 4, 2008

Migraine Update!

I slacked on getting my medical permit of marijuana for migraine, thinking I'd like to see if I could get away with not having them for another month, with zero smoking, and I found out last night that the THC build-up has run out, or down.

I started getting my regular migraine at about 6 p.m. or so and took advil. It was just nagging. Then I went out, and at a bar, I found myself asking the bartender if they had any OTCs at about midnight. Earlier, I'd no problem discovering cocaine and "E" and anything I might "want" was readily available, but all I wanted was some OTCs which no one had on hand.

I went home at 2 a.m., took advil, and went to bed, to get up for work this morning, taking OTCs again as I still had the migraine, creeping to the left side of my neck and head. Once at work, it became much worse, and I was driven home to try my Migranol nasal spray. It's the first time I've tried it! And I went back to work to try to continue, with 4 squirts of Migranol up my nose, but I felt very weak and the migraine got worse. I had to go home, with migraine, on the busiest work day of the week and my employers were NOT happy about it. I started thinking I was going to have to look into SS disability again because I was surely going to be fired.

I went home to bed and slept from 1:15 p.m. to 3 p.m. and I'm okay now, no migraine at all, but still feel weak.

I think the Migranol works to some degree, definitely better than narcotics and other things I've tried, but I had to go to bed and sleep still, which disrupted work.

I have now, pretty much, every legitimate reason to be taking marijuana for medical reasons, to prevent migraine. It lessened the severity of migraine to a throbbing tension headache and then one month after I quit taking inhales, I got ZERO migraines, which was exciting enough, so I thought I'd see how long I could go without migraines, but now I know. Today was the day. So I have to get that permit, which my doctor agrees to write for me, so this will not interfere with work and my life again.

I think I ran a good personal experiment, eh?

Of course the "eh" is intentional, a tribute to the (probably) Canadian weed I was smoking during my experiment.

If my migraine comes back, having taken the Migranol, I'll write an update about it, but so far, I just feel weaker. Really, I feel much stronger and more consistent with the marijuana as preventative, but I DON'T like the fact it probably slows my brain down a little bit when I'm taking it, even in small amounts.

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