Sunday, May 4, 2008

Set Up For Spy Comedy & Other Ideas

I was thinking about this at work the other day, and kept laughing spontaneously, and of course, if someone could hear me, they didn't know what I was laughing about.

I was brainstorming ideas for a Lucy Wants to Be a Spy type of comedy, and thinking maybe it could be one straight man and one gay man, who are brothers and roommates, and how one foils the other and tries to get in on his game, or, I thought it could be husband and wife and maybe "lucy" is this woman going through a mid-life crisis

The real "spy" is some guy who has to be Catholic, because his religion dictates he CANNOT divorce his wife when she starts screwing things up for him. So, when he married "lucy" she was a grade school teacher, or something innocuous, and her aspirations never interfered with his secret life. But then, she either goes through menopause, or a mid-life crisis earlier, and she's sick of being a normal teacher. It all started with her obsessive interest in murder novels and mysteries, and court tv, and then she decides she's going to get into it. Haven't figured out "how" or what she does to "prime" herself for the position first. But, unfortunately for her husband, his wife also develops an interest in blogging at the time. He cannot drag her away from blogging about every single detail of their life, and it puts him in an awkward position. His boss and handlers want him to terminate the relationship, because she's unknowingly leaking all kinds of stuff. But he can't, because he's Catholic. So then his boss and some handlers try to do things to "lucy" that are "real" but her husband thinks she's going nuts. If his handlers can convince him his wife is crazy, maybe he can get an annulment with the blessing of the church.

A video montage of the blogging, and him trying to steal the computer, ruin it, distract her, and all his attempts to refocus her energies are in VAIN. In one scene, he is standing at the doorframe looking at her with wide eyes and she's singing that song "I Drove All Night" with altered lyrics of "I wrote all niiiiiigggght, to get to you..../is that alright?/ I wrote all night. I wrote all niiiiggggghttt...." early in the morning when he realizes she hasn't even gone to bed.

Then, everything she says starts to make him think about that "blog", i.e., she tells him she sang along with a musician and just chimed in for the chorus "Wild horses/couldn't drag me away..."

So he almost starts to become more obsessed than she is, and he's trying to work at the same time, and, despite all the horror, he really loves her and they make eachother laugh even if they fight all the time.

She starts taking up all kinds of odd lessons and meeting strange people, in pursuit of her dream, and he and his handlers have to screen them all to make sure it's not putting their main man in jeopardy.

Anyway, I laughed to myself at work thinking of ideas, and then I was also thinking about a MTV video for Obama which builds on the Usher's video of "Love In This Club" and his dems are all dancing on the floor with donkey posters around them, (and I don't care who's waaahhting, waaahtchen, this club" and then Obama gets into the mic and says, pointing out his finger like Uncle Sam: "I'm what you WANT! I'm what you NEED!" and of course we cut the end or change it so he's not left in a deserted club with his woman disappearing into thin air.

I want a camcorder thing and editing software.

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