Monday, May 19, 2008

More On Cocaine Trafficking In Yakima

I suppose there are a lot of people in the cocaine business. Again, I take NO side, but since my comment about Yakima trafficking was vague, here is a little more, to prove I know something. By now, they've had a head's up, so here's a little more. The guy who was moving 2 kilos of cocaine a week is younger. Late teens or early 20s and had a girlfriend. He receives inheritance money from the former USSR. I believe he was adopted or something and then moved to the U.S. and receives money here. I am not sure about that last sentence except the receiving money bit. He was thinking of getting out of it. I do not know if the people he works are also Eastern European or not. I just know about him and that it's in Yakima, and the amount.

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