Monday, May 19, 2008

Copy of My Declaration For Recusal of Judge Hotchkiss & Impropriety


This is my statement/declaration for recusal of Judge Hotchkiss. Please draft a Motion for Recusal and include this statement. Also, will you please call the casino I mentioned and contact the bartender? She lives on Methow, and was 2 houses down from my own address, which was 320 Methow. I also would ask that some measure of protection or observation be made on her behalf, for her safety as I do not know the scope of the matter I am calling into question. Thank you. See below:

I believe Judge Hotkiss will be prejudiced against my case, based on the fact that he refused continuation in order to my attorney to gather medical documentation for change of venue AND because I am aware he has offered judicial favors to people in the past. If the Judge offers favors, I cannot expect to have a fair hearing and I have reason to believe he will take bribes or accept offers from people in Wenatchee, for his own personal gain or mutually beneficial relationship.

I am asking the Judge to recuse himself, or to hold a hearing to determine the truth of this matter, in which case I would call to testify one woman who works as a bartender for a casino/bar in town, who was also my neighbor and is a friend.

I was talking to her one day, about a year ago, and asking how she liked her job and she was excited, telling me about her customers and what it was like. I happened to be talking to her after a workshift where she asked me what I thought about something. She said there was a Judge in town who came in all the time, and flirted with her, and she cashed large checks there at the casino for him. She told me he told her to come to him if she ever had a traffic ticket and he would "take care of it" for her and make it disappear. She was shocked but happy about it, and I asked her which Judge and she told me it was the East Wenatchee Judge, and she said his name: Judge Hotchkiss.

I know where she lives, and how to contact her, and would like to call her as a witness to my motion for recusal of this Judge, for prejudice. She works, or worked, as a bartender at the casino in East Wenatchee (Buzz Inn?) next to the Safeway.

This statement is made honestly and accurately, to the best of my ability, and I know it is made as evidence for court and is subject to penalty for perjury.

Cameo Garrett

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