Monday, May 19, 2008

New Discovery--Personality

I have discovered some new things about myself in the last several days. I used to have men tell me I was the most complicated woman they'd ever met, and how just when they thought they'd figured me out, something threw them off. I, however, always thought I understood myself. Not entirely, but for the most part.

Lately, I have been finding out about something new, which I hadn't ever put much thought into, or considered, and I'm not sure what it stems from, but I remember that even as a 16 year old, I brought it up once, to someone, and they were shocked, and it hadn't even crossed my mind that it was unusual in any way. I think it's not very unusual anymore, but not for everyone certaintly, and it shows something about my personality, or something.

I'm still figuring it out, and it's something I haven't explored. It seems to be healthy and helpful in a way, to do so, which is slightly counter-intuitive, but then again, it's not.


  1. Like what--your uncanny ability to chew people up and spit people out when they don't do what you want?

  2. LOL. No, that's not it, but there's an interesting parallel. As for your criticism, allow me to respond:

    I have principles (not that I don't adjust out of mercy or compassion), and they are as follows:

    1. I mean what I say (I believe one's word should mean something, even in this day and age, it should still take only a promise and a handshake and be done--I go by the old mafia principle there),

    2. "The Donald". I saw Donald Trump doing on television, what I also try to practice, whenever possible. Some guy cut his lawn well and he gave him a $100 bill as a spontaneous tip, while walking across the grass. Reward good behavior and ignore or "subtract" from bad behavior. If the taxi driver cuts you a good deal on fare, when possible, don't offer a $5 tip for $40 fare (when they brought it down from $80)--offer $20. Always tip the bartender well, etc. Pay people well.

    I have friendships lasting over 15 years and it's because we treat eachother with respect. People who don't respect me may not be blogged about all the time, and I let insults pass all the time, but they get cut out. That's business, and the "issue" people have with me stems mainly from the fact that I think like a man, and people can't get past my pretty face, and figure it out. If I were a man, my actions wouldn't be questioned and I wouldn't have to double my efforts at being understood (and making myself clear) to begin with.
    Business is different from personal and private relationships, especially romantic relationships.

    Thanks so much for your comment!
    (You wouldn't happen to have a toothpick on you, would you?)
