Friday, May 16, 2008

Recusal of Judge Hotchkiss

I didn't even know I had a hearing a couple of days ago, because my Public Defender didn't tell me about it. Then I found out it was before Judge Hotchkiss, and that he ruled against change of venue or allowing medical evidence which shows my need for change of venue based on inability to travel to Wenatchee for medical reasons. I had a note from my doctor, and I guess that wasn't enough, and the Judge said he would refuse to hear another argument for accomodation for disabilities prior to the hearing for contested sheltercare. Judge Hotchkiss is presiding over the sheltercare hearing, my attorney informed me. And now, not only am I going to have to fire my lawyer for not contacting me for weeks and then not even informing me of hearings, etc., I'm going to have to have Judge Hotchkiss recused.

Why? Because, based on offers he's made to other people in town, particularly to someone who was my neighbor in Wenatchee, it is likely he will be the type to give favors to Wenatchee people.

My neighbor told me, firsthand, how THIS Judge flirted with her and told her to come see him if she ever got a traffic ticket, because he would "take care of it" for her.

I can call her into court at a moment's notice. That's just my neighbor, and if some random neighbor gets this offer, who else does the Judge give offers to?

I am therefore recusing Judge Hotchkiss because of prejudice, because I believe he will be prejudiced in my case. He already ruled against even allowing a short continuance to bring medical evidence to the record, and this indicates to me that he is going to do whatever he can to help Wenatchee ("the department", doctors, and others) to win.

I can call this woman to testify about his offer, and she is more than credible. I can also go to the FBI, but why would I do that, when they can't even take care of their own employees who are guilty of "misconduct" (a catch-all phrase for everything from rape, to sexual assault, to professional neglect, to improper use of position).

Judge Hotchkiss, you're out.

You don't even have to deal with my motion for continuance, because instead, you'll be dealing with my motion for recusal.

Time to clean up the town, eh?

(that one is for you Mr. Elsner. ;))

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