Thursday, May 15, 2008

Yakima Cocaine Tip

I want to be known for being a woman of my word. It's not good to back down after making promises. But I was going to post photos of some things and have decided not to. There ARE photos.

I did write about where the cocaine trafficking was coming from. Well, not where it's coming from, but I wrote last night, a little of what I know. The person I heard of, who was moving it around, 2 kilos a week, was of Eastern European descent, but that's all I wrote, to prove I did know something. I really don't take sides though--I'm not tipping off law enforcement as much as I hope I tipped them off, to know they'll be watched. I mainly wanted to show I am a woman of my word. To me, drug dealers and mobs are not more corrupt than the government and law enforcement. Some of the people I've known in police and FBI, are so corrupt, and yet they're claiming to be on the "right side". That's an issue for me. I don't like hypocrisy. I'd rather have a guy tell me he's a "made man" and not pretend to be something else, than when "public servants" pretend to be serving the public and serve their own interests instead. Not that the two don't join hands. But anymore, I can hardly tell who the good guys are.

I know some other things, but I'm going to think about it for a night. I have to decide what to do. I lost a hearing yesterday that I didn't even know was on the calendar. I feel my case, and the hearing, has been prejudiced from all kinds of problems and miscommunications.

No one had a legal right to take my son to begin with. But I'm supposed to trust the system now?

I have more details about the former USSR stuff, but for now, that's all. I wrote about it last night and then deleted it. I'm putting it back online simply to show I don't make things up and that I follow through with my word, at least more than half of the time.

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