Wednesday, May 7, 2008

My Recurring Dreams

Three times I've had dreams with words, and didn't know what the words meant. The first time, was in 1998 or 1999 and I saw the word "Faust". I was in a deep dream, and the only thing in the dream was this word. I had to look it up because I didn't know what it meant. I didn't have the impression it had anything to do with me.

Then, a half a year ago I saw a woman in a dress and sweater lying on green grass, in my dream, and saw the word "Cox" and felt it had to do with a last name and someone who was either missing or killed, but I didn't think killed. I thought missing. Then, right at that time, I found out a woman with the last name Cox, had just been found when she was missing, and she fit the exact description of what I saw in my dream. Also, they found her in a location that fit what I had seen in my dream.

The latest word I saw was "rhodesian", along with a wild black boar lying dead in a dried grass or barren type of field (nothing green). I have no idea what rhodesian means either, or had no idea and looked it up. I still don't know if it means anything or not, but I know I probably saw the word in print or heard it on the news before "dreaming" the word.

The only recurring dreams I've had are one when I was a little girl, of being in place of Daniel in the lion's den, but in the den was a very large rock which I stood on and no matter how hard the hungry lions tried to reach me, they couldn't get to me. They came very close and were frightening and terrorizing, but they couldn't get me. I had that dream many times, which was strange, because no one was trying to "get me" and I didn't have any anxieties during the day. It was just one of those recurring nightmares. I also, later in life, had a recurring dream that I was chased and just as someone came near I would fly away. I had one where I was flying inbetween power lines and hiding in the clouds as the 3 evil people from Superman or whatever were trying to get to me. Then I was hiding out in the hay in a barn. I haven't had a flying dream for a very long time. Oh, and then I've had the teeth falling out dream, which is perhaps why I care that everyone has good teeth.

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