Wednesday, May 7, 2008

TTSOML #52: The Friend That Wasn't & Archdiocese Bankruptcy Prelude

I did the protesting alone. I had some friends who wanted to join, but I didn't want to get them involved and felt I should bear the responsibility for whatever happened. I could handle myself, but if my friends were affected directly, or even strangers, THAT I couldn't handle. I also found I was more approachable to other abuse survivors, when I was alone--I wasn't intimidating.

As I was protesting solo, I was also getting to know Christa Schneider, whom I thought was becoming one of my best friends. I remember the exact day she showed up at my church, which the monks knew I had started going back to. I also remember how, years later, she was trying to say (hoping I'd forgotten maybe) that we met before I was ever involved with the monks. She tried to say we met in early 1998 but she never showed up at Athey Creek until after the monks already knew about me and Br. Ansgar. Towards the end, after several years of successfully deceiving me, I suppose she felt comfortable enough with how trashed my reputation was, to be careless enough to give herself away. I had suspicions for quite a while, but then she just laid it all out, right about the time she was probably certain even my medical records in Wenatchee were screwy enough no one would believe me.

I had some clues in the very beginning, but I didn't stay away. She wanted to take me out, knowing I didn't drink at all. Gradually, she influenced me to quit going to church and to go out on Friday nights to have a drink (harmless enough) but then certain "characters" began to appear in my life, at places she knew I would be. Also, I found many of her questions probing. She wanted every detail about my family. Where we were from, who we were connected to, my friends, my hobbies, everything. She wanted to know if I'd ever had an eating disorder (no), or mental health issue (no), and she persuaded me to try smoking shortly after she began taking me out to drink. I really didn't think any of this was that unusual, but I noticed everytime I was getting ready to protest, if I told her, she'd try to get me to do something else. Also, after I went through a lawyer or two and had quit protesting, she just disappeared.

Christa went from calling me all the time and emailing me to totally distancing herself, when there was no more information to be gained. I thought it was strange. She suddenly returned to pick up the friendship again, right after I miraculously filed a claim against the Mt. Angel Abbey myself, when it looked like my statutes were going to expire. Suddenly, she was my best friend again, and I took note of this, in the back of my mind.

I also noticed how she recommended I take classes from particular professors (almost all Catholic, with one who had a relative who was a priest at the Mt. Angel Abbey) where I met people who I later found out were connected to the Abbey attorneys.

All along, I assumed the "leaks", when they happened, were coming from some kind of bug or surveillance, but now I know most of it was her, through my contact with her. Before I could assume anything, I tested it out thoroughly, and I was right. I gave her every possible benefit of a doubt. When I finally closed my own inquiry, after being suspicious so long but not wanting to be wrong, I was absolutely certain, and that was when things got very bad for me and my son, not that it wasn't bad before.

I'm quite sure enough people believed I was trashed enough through defamation, and then through the radiation or microwave technology or whatever the hell was used against me and my son which caused excruciating pain for MONTHS, I'm quite sure they felt comfortable enough to give me enough to be sure "I" knew, but that no one else would. Of course, I can't just say this and make this claim without giving the facts, timeline, and direct quotes and statements that were made.

I noticed Christa wanted me, initially, to write to her, but if I wasn't giving out information about my "plans", she let me know she didn't want any email from me about the trauma and depression and effects of the damages in my life. I think they were trying to protect against a written record of my damages. I wasn't sure at first of course, but I wondered. When she disappeared and then popped into my life again as things were heating up with the Abbey, I really began questioning.

She also recommended I go to the psychologist she went to, who was a former nun, who a lawyer (who screwed me by lying and dragging out my claim to let it expire without filing it) that worked for the Archdiocese (I later found out) also told me to go to.

I got better insight when Christa really started pushing the alchohol into my hands, and after litigation against the Abbey began, she called to ask me to go out before every important deadline, when it would have been obvious I had work to do. I also noticed how a guy kept taking classes I took, and then asked me out, and how he started saying he was going to paint a wall in his apartment with a scene from Monet that only Christa had seen in my apartment, on a calendar, which I pointed out to her. Little things that would seem coincidence, were adding up. These are very little things, but it was a manipulation of my personality and inclinations to cause me to think things were "a sign" or "meant to be". I noticed this guy giving me dirty looks in class when he thought I wasn't looking, and then when I turned, he'd switch his expression. He asked me out a couple of times, for coffee and then a glass of wine, and at the restaurant, for the wine, he excused himself to use the bathroom and I "knew" he was calling someone. He took his cell with him. About 10 minutes later, a man in a suit, who looked like a lawyer, came into the restaurant and sat next to our table. Out of the entire huge restaurant, which was completely empty, this guy sits within earshot of us and I could tell he was listening. After I'd had half of the glass and was tipsy, this guy, Beau Blixseth, started trying to get me to agree to have a fling with him, again. He'd done this in the past, but now he was working it, and told me he'd quit his long-term girlfriend for Spring Break, just so he could have a vacation with me. I had already told Christa I was attracted to him. I didn't know anything about him, but later found out he was from California and that his father was Tim Blixseth and his mother was Catholic. He was the one who told me he was going to paint his wall with the same scene I had at home.

I had a Monet calendar at my apartment and I showed Christa the painting I liked best. I told her I was planning to paint a copy of it as a mural for one of the walls in my apartment. The painting was "House of Parliament (Effect of Sunlight in the Fog) 1900. Beau told me, on the way to taking me out for a glass of wine, that he was thinking about painting a Monet impression over a part of a wall in his place. He didn't name the title, but described it exactly (with orange being the predominant color and the house of parliament, near the water, etc), and then mentioned the title (which, at the time, I remembered was the title of the painting I liked). I said nothing, thinking it was odd he was telling me this. It was like he had been in my house. The only one who had seen this or heard me say I wanted to paint a copy of it, was Christa.

He made it clear to me he was not ending his relationship with his girlfriend, but could be with me while they were on "hiatus". I felt this was an attempt to try to present me with a situation similiar to what was going on with Br. Ansgar, to try to get me to agree to have a relationship with someone who was ALREADY COMMITTED. I felt perhaps someone was wishing to establish a "pattern". Because I sure as hell didn't have that pattern from my past, and they knew THEY'RE monk was in the wrong, if shit hit the fan, they could better claim I was the "seductress" if they could show I'd lured other men away or been open to it. My response to his proposal, while tipsy and without analysing first, was: "What do you think your girlfriend would think?" and then I went on to tell him I had never taken anyone's boyfriend from another woman and I wasn't going to start with him. I told him if someone wanted to be with me they had to figure things out for themself first.

That was just the beginning. Christa would ask me what my class schedule was each term, and wanted to know EXACTLY what classes I was taking and who I was taking them from. She recommended all the Catholic teachers, where they were available. I had no complaints, as most of them were very good, but with at least one of them, I had to advocate for my right to an "A" when I noticed subpar papers were getting "A's" while I was getting "B's" and anyone in their right mind could see there was a big difference. I also found out, of course, that one of them, Michael Clark had a close relative at Mt. Angel Abbey. I found this teacher, who was a Fulbright scholar (and I mentioned to Christa how I was impressed with this, which was interesting because later, Raul Bujanda, FBI employee, tried to impress me with Garza's Fulbright scholar status, and his VW, which was also odd and I'll get into it later...Christa or another Richard I dated would've had the info from me), at the Lewis & Clark Library one day, months before the Archdiocese of Portland in Oregon filed for bankruptcy, doing some interesting research on one of the computers. Clark was not just a professor, who spoke often about catholicism, but a lawyer as well. A tax lawyer. I showed up one day at the L&C Library and he acted guilty seeing me and beat a hasty retreat. In his haste, he'd left some books behind, and journals, with articles about tax breaks and other ways to hide assets basically, for the catholic church. I moved from my computer to the one he had been on, and he hadn't cleared the cookies or whatever. He'd clicked off of the screen, but hadn't totally logged out so I clicked back to see what came up. It was article after article about the catholic church and tax and other matters. Then he came back, after I moved back to my own computer, and I don't know if someone else was there and told him, or he realized he'd left books behind, but he seemed nervous and said hastily that he was looking into non-profit matters for someone, and he asked me out to coffee. I thought this was curious, and especially after the Archdiocese filed for bankruptcy, claiming they had not "planned" to do such a thing. I believe I saw part of the "planning phase" well in advance of the file date for bankruptcy. It was calculated and I'm sure assets were moved around beforehand or set up in the most advantageous way first.

The FBI guys? I met them right after telling Christa my plans to go to law school and join the FBI through the lawyer referral program, to fight corporate (including "church") crime from the inside, with government money. Next thing I know, within days, I'm meeting the FBI and they just so happen to have a lot of information about me already. When I reported them later, they already had that covered too. I'd already been defamed by the Willamette Week, so the Abbey lawyers felt they were safe. I was just a "crazy" woman who couldn't handle "rejection".

I'll get into this more later. And I'll bring out more about Christa, and the things which got even weirder, and what it was that confirmed to me it was her, but I have to go back to when I met Dan Gatti, with my bogus "citations".

I seriously hope someone is paying attention to all of this. Because it gets more and more bizarre as it goes on, and I swear to God this is the whole truth, and is accurate.

UPDATE: Realized I've obligated myself to reveal at least a couple of more concrete "facts" or risk sounding looney. So, instead of just giving a few details, one of the main things was that I told ONE person that I was going to file something at a certain time which was very important. When I arrived, a court courier was already waiting for me and pre-empted my filing by serving me with documents that effectively made it impossible. So THAT, I thought was clear. I could have possibly mentioned something briefly to the boyfriend I had at the tmie who wanted information from me that was odd, but I'm quite positive I only told Christa. I kept it to myself because it was so important. Later, she had me work for her Dad and they made a HUGE deal about wanting to see my social security card. The Abbey had a number I'd recited to them, but didn't have proof it was my actual number. I think somewhere down the line they started wondering who the hell I was and who was helping me if I was only the woman I appeared to be, because right after I gave Christa and her Dad the card with my number on it, they fired me, or he said, and she said it was because I had "stolen" from them. I thought it was odd they fired me after getting my card, and then didn't want to pay taxes or give me a W-2 for the time I worked there, AND that they were saying I had comitted THEFT which everyone knew I would never do. I was shocked and said to Christa if that was the case, and that was what her Dad claimed, that I was going to call police. She suddenly got nervous and asked why and I said there were security cameras all over that store and by the register, and it would PROVE I had NEVER taken anything, ever. All of sudden, she backed down on this and said she had misheard him, or "misunderstood" and that it WASN'T because I'd stolen anything but was confidential.

(I will follow proper timeline to fill in details)
After that, she wanted to drop out of sight, I felt (AND, all of my lawsuits agaisnt the Catholic church, and for defamation, the worst of it, were over as I couldn't keep up and was getting very sick all the time, physically), but I pushed past the awkwardness, on purpose, pretending I'd forgotten and forgiven everything, because I wasn't going to let her go until I got more on her, to confirm what I already knew intuitively. And I DID, but I'll save that for later. There is a lot. Her Dad, by the way, is Robert Schneider, former U.S. attorney who worked in the federal courthouse as a prosecutor, District of Oregon, before quitting to go into business.

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