Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Wenatchee Lawyers' "Blowjob Michelle"

The reference in my email to "blowjob Michelle" deserves clarification. Blowjob Michelle is an unfortunate real-life legal assistant/secretary who worked for several Wenatchee law firms and provided blow jobs upon request. The lawyers would tell eachother about it, and tell other secretaries and paralegals about it even, behind Michelle's back. They called her "Blowjob Michelle". As far as I know, she kept her job that way.

I'd like to know if she simply offered herself to all these different lawyers, as the law office whore, or if she was passed around from one attorney to the next, promised better positions at work and/or a long-term romance in the future. Did they get their blowjobs after dinner? or under a desk at the firm?

That's Wenatchee for you. Small town minds combined with self-serving interests and more than one wagon to circle. I'm sure there has been more than one blowjob michelle, and if so, I hope she steps forward and goes straight to Seattle to file for sexual harassment. Give these assholes a taste of their own "medicine".

I also had someone tell me my own PD got in trouble for something years ago which would have caused him to be disbarred in any other town. Any other town except Wenatchee. I guess Paul is still paying his dues and thank you's.

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