Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Warning To Wenatchee

Believe me, there's more about Wenatchee and if my son is not placed back in my care ASAP and if they do not voluntarily file a change of venue, I will haul out ALL the crap I know, and I even know where I can get some PHOTOS of some of the Wenatchee swingers. I'm sure we'd all like to know who's sleeping with whom over here, especially as it affects politics.

The AG allegedly told my PD the "department" would voluntarily file their case in Whatcom county, IF I agreed to give them dependency of my son. They haven't even won a "Contested Shelter Care" and we haven't even approached "fact finding" and they attempt to use my disability against me, and inability to travel, and keep me from seeing my son as leverage to relinquish my right to a fair hearing. They don't have a leg to stand on, but they know removing this case outside of Wenatchee will hurt them, and they want to "win" before it ever leaves their sorry county to begin with.

It is time to force Chelan-Douglas to incorporate with King County. These people are
a crying shame to the justice system and everyone knows it. Just swallow them up. The "big fish in the small pond" need to be swallowed up by a whale.

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