Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Reading Animal Farm

I called my son and he was in a good mood talking to me and then fell asleep while I was talking about animals. I used to talk to him to sleep, speaking in an even and measured, calm, tone, and he would get a little smile on his face as he fell into slumber. I talked about goats, chickies, cats, and dogs, and then I realized I've had animals on the brain lately: Bugs Bunny, Wile E. Coyote, wild boars and their meaning, pigs...

I haven't been to the library yet (unusual) so I decided to see if "Animal Farm" is online to read for free. It is, and I'm through chapter two.

Now I'm through chapter five. My favorite chapter so far is the first one. I can't believe I didn't read this in school, but I went to a private christian school in jr. high so the readings were different. I'll leave this post here and come back after I've finished the book. Maybe tomorrow.

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