Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Writer's Block

I keep writing about how I need to write. I have zero creativity right now and have been eating a lot more than usual, I just keep getting up to look for something to eat out of boredom, and I'm out of OTCs (not good) which probably thin the blood in my brain and help me to think (?!), and I'm stressed out. Obviously, judging by my last posts. I could use a drink to relax a little bit, and then start working on this true story stuff. Just to get going. I tried caffeine and I've been drinking cup after cup of tea. It's a really bad day. I'm usually full of things to write about and after my attempt at fiction, I knew I was in big trouble. I don't know if it's a genuine writer's block, exhaustion, after-migraine effect, or what. Maybe I cursed myself with the post about how I'm going to write myself out as a Guiness champion writer.

I am really not even a writer to begin with. My main thing I've always had compliments and shocked people over, is my singing voice. But I've always liked writing too, and it's quieter. It's not possible to sing all day, and that can be depressing besides unless you're coming up with your own material and lyrics and singing that. I need my paints I think. I think I'm in the kind of zone where painting would be best. Non-thinking painting, or...if I could do anything at all...It would be to take a good vacation in a sunny place near the water with my son of course, and then...I think I need to just lie outside in the sun really. This is the longest winter in the history of Blaine/Birch Bay.

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