Monday, June 2, 2008

And Hitchens Makes Three

One other thing, this roommate likes Christopher Hitchens maybe even more than me. Well, I don't know. We like different things about him.

I told my roommate how I wanted a pin-up of Hitchens smoking in the shower so he found the photo online and attached it to my online user account--it comes up everytime I sit down to log-on, which makes me smile. My roommate's photo of choice, for his own account, is of Jack Nicholson, behind the crazy-house bars with a wicked and wild smile on his face.

Okay, back to Hitchens, I am not an atheist. However, I like reading everything he writes, and do. My roommate on the other hand, is an atheist, but not just sort-of--he's very anti-religion and hardcore atheist. He doesn't understand how I can be a Hitchens "follower" or "fan" if I don't agree with everything H. writes. I just tell him I don't have to agree with everything to appreciate him and his writing style and wit is superb, and I do enjoy his debates as well. My roommate got The Four Horsemen on DVD which I'm sure I'll watch soon. Lots of good reading material, and movies here, by the way, think I already mentioned.

As for interest, I think my roommate waxes and wanes faster than I do. He WAS interested in me and now he's not. And how can I not notice when he brings other guys around to meet me and get my phone number, smells like cologne after returning from "babysitting", and takes a used can of whipping cream out of his work bag at the end of his night shift?

(sorry, but he is NOT drinking THAT much hot cocoa).

Word to the wise--NOTHING escapes me. If I don't guess, my third eye fills me in on the details later. And you know, what is it WITH these military, cop, security, law enforcement types? They don't get enough excitement already? The wives of this group should get training and be equiped with a BS-detector. They should all do a "P.I. share" in addition to the nanny share, and finally, there should be no lunches off-campus. Or dinners. AND, these guys should be WORKED HARD, like MULES.

After 3 days, this roommate tells me the "mystery" is gone. If he's able to figure me out after 3 days when my others STILL don't know what I'm about, kudos. ;) What he doesn't know will never hurt him.

While I'm here, I'll learn what I can, and make my little mental notes of everything.

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