Monday, June 2, 2008

"Pour Some Sugar On Me"

I listened to Def Leppard yesterday. I guess I'm going through all the 80s and 90s glam rock bands. I was trying to find Bon Jovi but I couldn't find anything. At karaoke, I sang "Livin' On a Prayer" with someone who pulled me into it last minute. It's been a long time since I've listened to any of it and it brings back memories. Def Leppard's "Pour Some Sugar On Me" was blasting when I was first getting to know my first boyfriend, in high school, working on the Homecoming Float. I joined all these committees just because I was new to the area and wanted to get to know people.

I first met R. B. on the school bus, first day of school. He sat behind me and kept poking his head around the corner. I sat next to a S.A. He sort of fell for me right away. I remember working with him, on the float, and the song "Pour Some Sugar On Me" came on and he was rocking out, and then made some joke about the lyrics and looked at me suggestively. I was wide-eyed and said I didn't get it. He was shocked and played the song again, pointing out certain parts. He said, so you're saying you have no idea what he's talking about there? And I really didn't. I think that's when he decided I was an "angel" and he would like to be the one to educate me.

I also remember hearing Def Leppard in junior high, at the waterslides in Moses Lake. I had gone there with a friend from my private Christian school and she was in love with Brett Michaels. Oh, that was Poison wasn't it? I just remembered, because she wore the perfume Poison, hmmm, actually I think she liked both bands and I'm confusing them. When I was on the East Coast, I had a chance to work for Bon Jovi as the nanny, but my employer who took me instead, admitted she sabotaged it on purpose so they could have me. Haha. I wasn't upset because I didn't really care. Kids are kids, and that's who I was working with, and it doesn't matter if these kids come from parents who are famous or not--it doesn't change the "work" so-to-speak.

It's fun to reminisce. I'll have to work on all the memories from that time, because there's some fun stuff to write about and I remember quite a lot--even conversations from then.

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