Monday, June 2, 2008

On FLDS Kids Going Home Today

I'm so happy the FLDS kids are going back to their parents today. Good work public defenders and civil rights crusaders.

I'm not saying certain things shouldn't be monitored, because if, for example, someone is waterboarding babies to train them to be obedient, that's absolute abuse, but when it doesn't seem to be the case, so far, and where there has been lack of grounds, I'm very glad for the sake of the families because I have absolutely no doubt in mind that this separation has been traumatic and that further separation would be devastating.

There are other ways to "enlighten" people we disagree with, besides taking their children. The most hideous form of coercion, blackmail, and vengeance is to attempt to use children against parents whose philosophies or actions we disagree with.

These kids can still become aware of other paths, and realize they have choices, just as the mothers and fathers can. Unless there is criminal activity, forced "deprograming" is abuse in and of itself. Using force to manipulate attitudes is the opposite of freedom, I believe. The right of all to freely choose for themselves, what they want to believe, and choose to practice, should be protected.

I hope this case is not overturned at any point, and that it will serve as precedent to protect all of our rights, as parents, for the future. I have people who imagine MY own child might be better off with a 2-parent family, which is religious, and which will not file lawsuits or ask others to be accountable for their actions, especially when in positions of public trust or authority.

Someday, one of those FLDS kids may look back, knowing what they went through, and I would want to be someone they remembered for trying to balance the need to protect others, with respect and deference to differences of opinion. I would want to be seen as rational and motivated by evidence and logic, rather than hysteria and emotion.

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