Monday, June 2, 2008

To Russia, With Love

I tried a new wine a few days ago which I really liked. I looked it up and found it's not expensive but worth every penny. It's the first white wine I've tried that I actually liked. I'm sure it's a crime to admit this, but it was pretty good. It is called "Inama Vin Soave/Soave Classico". For some reason, though, it seemed to go to my head quicker than most wines. I had a glass with dinner and really felt it.

I have to say something--my roommate reminds me a LOT of another M. They must be the same personality type, but sometimes I wonder if they're related or something. They have similiar eyes and hair, and even freckled skin on the back. The same voice, or tone of voice, and same interests (almost). It's really weird. Almost a total deva vu.

This woman I work with talked with me this morning and hoped I wasn't feeling emotionally attached to my roommate, and she was concerned, but I'm not. I had some reservations from the very beginning. Then there was this period where I forgot all reservations, and now I feel fine, and am back to square one. I don't feel I've lost anything at all, or sad. I think we were both somewhat disappointed, and I'm more one to give things a chance, but when I sorted it out in my mind, I was relieved and felt free again. I feel I've gained something, overall. And I've never needed any man to help me understand or prove my worth to myself. I know who I am, what I want, and what I don't want. Oh! an Eminem song just came on. Okay...he's what I want. I want Eminem. Haha. It's the song "Lose Yourself". Music is a big deal to me. My roommate doesn't like hip hop or rap AT ALL. I think I need someone who will go dancing with me in a club or play it loud, and be fine with my going to the club to dance with my girlfriends.

When I got home from work tonight, I turned the music to hip hop, poured myself a drink, and just got down at home. House to myself! Not exactly "Bridget Jones" style, sloshed on the couch, but on the wood floor, making the same moves I would feel in any club. I'd go out, but's Monday in a town of 8,000 people.

I'm very happy with my life, which may sound odd, but I guess that while I'm not happy about some things that have been going on for a long time, I like myself, respect myself, and enjoy people and life in general too much not to be optimistic.

And, I met a drop dead gorgeous man today. Strong, smart, and...sigh...Russian. First Russian guy I've felt attracted to. I asked him to teach me to speak Russian. I let him hear my "Dah" and "Nyet". And THEN, some more Russian people came in AFTER him. So maybe he sent others to check me out, I don't know. I would reeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaalllllllly like to go on a date with him.

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