Monday, June 2, 2008

I'm Mr. Vain

I had to get out of my chair for a song on this Vancouver, B.C., Canadian station (95Crave) that came on. It was "Mr. Vain".

I KNOW WHAT I WANT AND I WANT IT NOW! is the main refrain of the song. It's techno. I LOVE it.

My roommate accused me of always trying to get what I wanted. He said, "You want everything to go your way."

And WHAT is wrong with that? may I ask? (now that I've had 2 shots of gin). Someone told me I "babble" yesterday. I said, "Oh yeah, I've heard that, and "ramble" too". Does everybody hate babbling and rambling?

Shakira is coming up soon...that's another genre I cannot do without. I need Latin American music and bossa nova. NO arguments.

I think I need to live somewhere where it's totally normal to dance at clubs in your 30s. Somewhere in Europe or Latin America. In some countries, dance is simply a part of the culture. I think it's WRONG that it's not this way for people in the U.S., in general.

My perfect country would have dance like in Latin America, and international views like Canada, parliamentary debate like England, traditions like Italy & Israel, healthcare like Sweden, education like Denmark, literature like Russia and England, food like Mexico and the Middle East and France, colors like India, music like the U.S. and Africa, and ideals and a constitution like the U.S.

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