Friday, June 27, 2008

Notice To Court Of Relocation

Transcripts Of Hearings And Notice Of Relocation‏
From: )
Sent: Fri 6/27/08 1:49 AM
To:;;;; Michelle K. (DSHS/CA) Erickson (; Jeanne Wellbaum (

Dear Juanita,

Please inform the court and Judge Hotchkiss that I am currently traveling and relocating across the state for medical evaluations. I gave notice at my job and am welcome back with the company once the evidence and documentation I need has been gathered, and will be returning to Washington state.

Currently, however, it is impossible for me to get the specialized medical care I need, in the state of Washington.

I have also been refused not only competent and effective public counsel, but was forced out of the last hearing, and not allowed to participate.

I am therefore securing an attorney through both ADA and a civil rights organization.

I have physical medical disabilities for which I've been discriminated against in Washington, and by Wenatchee medical professionals and the Wentachee justice system. One example that I can point to, is the fact that after my tailbone was broken in childbirth, and my pelvis fractured and prolapsed, I sought medical care and diagnostics from not only CWH, but every clinic in Wenatchee. I even obtained PCPs to try to get a simple X-ray to prove I really did have pelvic pain and tailbone pain, and that I needed either painkillers, surgury, or other treatment. I was refused all of these things. The doctors were already circling the wagon for eachother, knowing I planned to sue for medical malpractice and my damages could have been prevented if they had heeded the advice and caution of my previous non-Wenatchee doctors, who stated it would be impossible for me to have a normal vaginal delivery, and that I would need a C-section because of a very narrow pelvis (bone-wise). I informed my doctors about this, and they ignored me, and forced a delivery, unnecessarily causing injury to both me and my son, which could have been prevented. They then told doctors in town to refuse me even simple diagnostics, such as X-rays, which would prove damages. They didn't want evidence.

I had to go to Seattle, where they did an X-ray, and found a severely broken tailbone off at an unnatural and odd angle, which they said was obviously from childbirth, and they also found calcification of fractures of my pelvis. That's not including the severe prolapse that at least one doctor has noted, which others tried to pass off and justify, and the fact that I was unable to urinate except by catheder, for 2 weeks after delivery. I had to use a urine bag because my bladder had also prolapsed under the trauma.

My son sustained prolonged delivery and labor, and when they broke me apart, and tore at me, to get him out, he suffered a head wound to the same side of the brain that affects and processes speech. My son's head wound scabbed over and this scab was present for 3 months, and I took photos of it. The CWH doctors, already worried about liability, classified it as a "bruise" even though it was deeper and scabbed over and they told me he would have jaundice because of it, because there would be too much bleeding in his head to break down or which would increase the bilirubin. My son did not have abnormally high bilirubin levels for a few weeks, he still had abnormal levels THREE MONTHS later.

After I threatened to sue these doctors for refusal of standard of care, refusing to perform simple diagnostics for me and my son, and trying to cover this matter up, they began "reporting" me to CPS, for things which were unjustified and cleared by CPS.

The minute the state gained temporary custody of my son, I was then unable to file a lawsuit on my son's behalf, even though I have a brain injury firm which is interested in taking on not just his case, but my case as well.

It is not normal for an entire town of medical professionals to refuse an X-ray, when that X-ray was justified and covered for by my insurance. Nobody I've talked to thinks this is normal.

And yet you blow right through all the court proceedings without allowing me the chance to hear and respond, without allowing me effective counsel and a fair and full hearing to determine whether or NOT my counsel was negligent or not, and you've done a number of other things as well.

I never had a screwed up medical history or record, until I moved to Wenatchee. Before Wenatchee, it was all normal and there was nothing negative or bad in my chart. But the moment I moved to Wenatchee, I had ER doctors writing me up as being "drug-seeking" because they refused to believe I had migraine headaches. They continued to write slanderous accounts, against my protests, maybe thinking I was just lying. However, when I finally gave them copies of my Oregon medical reports, which showed TWO independent neurological evaluations that classified my headaches as migraine, the Wenatchee doctors, all except SHIPMAN, still tried to write them up as tension headaches and they still refused to treat my pain levels and suffering. After this, I threatened to sue them for slander if they continued to write such inaccuracies and presumptions, and for refusal of standard of care, because I suffered greatly and was ignored. They then faxed my records to every clinic in town, even where I didn't go and wasn't a patient, in violation of HIPPA. Simply because, I guess, in Wenatchee, if you know someone, rules go out the door. I also threatened to report them for this, to HIPPA and the Office for Civil Rights.

Everytime I've made a threat to sue or report someone or some group, there have been facts to back up the reasonable nature of my concern. It is justified to sue for these things, and I had a volunteer attorney agree that I was discriminated against, in violation of ADA, by Wenatchee medical professionals.

And all of THIS, the "drug-seeking" crap, refusal to acknowledge and treat migraines, and HIPPA violations, this was before I threatened to sue and report. So then they added mental illness to my diagnosis', even though they, ER doctors, and other PCPs, are not qualified to make such judgments, and are not psychological professionals who have evaluated me under required standards. Their motives were self-interest and self-protective, period, and the gross assumptions which they made, they later tried to cover up by claiming I was the problem, not them and their medical chart-note taking technique.

After I was slandered as being drug-seeking (with zero evidence except their assumption that because I complained of "migraines" I was only "faking" it to get painkillers), and mentally ill, and faxing my records everywhere, they then continued their pattern of refusing to LISTEN to not only the patient, ME, but to my former medical professionals, and in ignoring other advice, my son and I were injured in childbirth and still have damages for which we've not yet been compensated for.

Immediately prior to the complaints to CPS, I had entered my migriane diagnosis charts from Oregon into the Wenatchee hospital record. Suddenly, they knew they had been wrong, and that they could be found guilty of refusing standard of care, because I had evidence of a diagnosis which they ignored.

They tried even harder to smear me, to CPS, after I got fed up with being denied reasonable diagnostics and coverage, and got my proof from Seattle instead, and told them explicitly, by e-mail, I was getting a Seattle attorney, not a Wenatchee attorney, but a Seattle or city attorney, to sue their pants of for medical malpractice, retaliation, and maybe a few other things.

Right after that, my son was taken from me, when I tried to get medical care and help for both me and my son in Canada.

In Canada, all the doctors stated they felt my son should be evaluated by MRI for his head injury and his speech difficulties. I took him to a doctor there, and also spoke with a speech therapist and scheduled him for services there in Canada. In Canada, they took my complaints seriously, and they also attempted to help my son. Their thought processes were normal and logical, and not impaired by self-interest and motive. They simply wanted to help my son, regardless of what evidence the diagnostics might uncover. They felt my son should definitely have an MRI to rule out brain trauma affecting his speech.

Also, in Canada, after over a decade of suffering with migraines, and being accused of being "drug-seeking" by Wenatchee, I was given an IV of ergotamine, which no one in the U.S. ever tried, and which worked immediately, basically proving my headaches are true migraines. Ergotamine is not narcotic. It killed my migraine and I walked out pain-free and without any side-effects. I later found out, as Canada has already discovered, very light use of marijuana can prevent migraines. The first time in my life that I ever tried an "illegal" drug of any sort, was after my son was taken from me, by Wenatchee and Washington state, and after I realized if Canada knew ergotamine worked, maybe they were right about marijuana for prevention too. So I tried it for 2 months and then quit, just to do a trial, and then quit to prove I'm not a "user" or an addict and that I only used it for medical purposes to see if I should apply for a permit.

Since I quit taking marijuana for prevention, my migraines have been back full force, and the nasal spray derivative of ergotamine, Migranol, doesn't work as well as IV, and I've had to miss work because of my migraines. Work missed made me look bad, and caused lost productivity and affected my employers as well, and fellow employees, who were then forced to pick up the slack. Migranol, besides, is an abortive agent, not a preventative one. I still get the migraines.

I have many concerns about the system. Your choices have not improved my opinion of your system. Justice is not blind, it appears to make decisions and weight the balance in favor of the party who comes best dressed and with the most powerful and authoritative entourage.

You have denied me the right to have you recused. You've denied me effective and responsible counsel and performed favors for your friends. You denied me the right to fair and full hearing, and to a defense.

You also deny me and my son the right to adequate medical care, outside of the constraints and political mayhem of Wenatchee. As long as you keep my son from me, you keep his mother from advocating for him to the fullest extent of the law, to secure diagnostics of his injuries and compensation. Your little process delays and stalls a P.I. claim, and prevents my son from getting the care he needs, even services he could use, such as sign language and other evaluations. You prevent a P.I. attorney from stepping up to the plate and GOING TO BAT for a 2 YEAR OLD toddler who never did anything wrong except to be born in Wenatchee, which was really the fault of his mother, for staying too long in this town.

For the sake of my son, I beg you to reconsider some of the things you've decided and done, without hearing my side, and without having the facts before you. You already denied me the right to defend myself at the last hearing, and if I can't defend myself, I cannot advocate for my son either and make sure he is back with someone who is responsible and assertive enough to demand HIS needs be met. By qualified and objective medical professionals.

I was never at risk for harming my son. I was the only one trying to help my son. The people who HARMED my SON were the only ones you gave a voice to in the last hearing. The people who harmed my son, are the medical professionals, and then the "department" for going along with hysteria, even though they were fully aware of some of the facts of my and my son's case, and that we could not get normal medical care here. If CPS had thought we were getting good care in Washington, they probably wouldn't have offered me and my son a ONE-WAY bus ticket OUT OF WASHINGTON state after the first complaint was filed by a Wenatchee medical professional.

I have now been forced to quit a job I liked, even though it was difficult sometimes, physically, to get help outside of Washington.

You could have prevented this and if you are determined to be the Judge In Charge, you are then aware that you still have power to reverse whatever needs to be reversed and do the right thing.

Despite your hatred of me, and your commaraderie with your legal system pals in Wenatchee, I am only writing this because I believe that it is possible, if you claim to care at ALL about kids, to reconsider what the truth might be, and how this has affected my son. You should seriously think about the motives of those who wish to smear me, and do it with "authority" and through their professional credentials.

If you want to do the right thing, you will not do the right thing for yourself or the state, you will listen to me, as any good judge should listen to both sides, and do the right thing for my son.

Right now, you are only allowing time to elapse while my son is neglected and does not receive the attention and care that he needs and DESERVES.

How come Canada knew what was best for my son, and other states in the U.S. also agree, and yet Washington does not?

Do you care so much about protecting your social status quo as to deprive a little boy of his mother and of his own civil rights? It seems that's what this is coming down to, because if you cared at all, you would have been concerned enough about the quality of the public defense I was receiving, to hear me out on the matter, before disposing of my right to counsel altogether. You also would not have shut me out of the judicial process simply because I was distressed that a judge was forcing me to go pro se, when I had no prior notice I was going to be pro se until that hearing.

I do not know what happened in the last hearing, because you hung up on me and allowed the proceeding to continue without me. But I need and am requesting, for the record, the full transcript or audio for the LAST THREE hearings to be mailed to my last court-known mailing address, at Gemini.

As I am on the road, and in the middle of a major relocation, I'm not able to receive these documents or transcripts but I want them to be mailed there so I'm able to pick them up later or have them sent to me once I have a permanent address.

In the meantime, any and all court notices and motions and other documents, should be emailed to me at this email address as it is the only contact medium I have. I will be checking my email from libraries periodically.

My travel, by the way, has been done in a form of transportation which allows me to lie on my side, and not have to sit upright the entire time, which I told this court, and the department, caused extreme pain and worsened my symptoms.

It seems everyone else, outside of Wenatchee, is able to accomodate for my disabilities. I am concerned as to what this means for disabled people in general. In some ways, I feel the treatment I've received should be made into a bigger issue, simply to shed light on the ways discrimination against those with physical injuries or problems, is still prevalent. Disabled persons should not have to put up with harassment and insult, and false claims their set-backs are somatic or "in their head". The entire medical malpractice during my and my son's delivery could have been completely avoided if people had simply made the choice to listen to what I and others were saying, and BELIEVE it, and not rely on their own prejudice or assumptions that they "knew better". Clearly, they did not know better, and both I and my son have damages to prove it.

As long as you, Your Honor, stand in the way of my son being returned to me, and as long as you allow this circus to continue because you're not only pissed off at me, you now feel eager to lend a helping hand to the medical professionals and anyone else I've "reported" (with whom you now sympathize, sharing a common plight of indignation), you will be unable to make any impartial decisions and should recuse yourself voluntarily from this case.

The woman you flirted with, and made the offer of a judicial favor to, her name is "Becky". I don't know if you remember her or not, but she remembers you.

Are you now going to agree and say I'm mentally ill and that my son should be removed from me? It certaintly helps those I've reported, to be able to slander me so and attempt to displace attention. Let's not focus on what has happened to my son and his damages...Let's focus on his mother, and try to bring her down.

Let me know when someone has decided to come to their senses and fight for the truth, and for the parental rights of a mother and the civil rights of a little boy. My son misses me, and I have proof he was traumatized by his abrupt separation from me. He has also not had any of his medical needs met in the interim.

I have left to arm myself elsewhere, in order to come back stronger and be in a better position to take my son back. Anyone can see I've been forced to do this, as I've exhausted all possible options in Washington state, with due diligence, and in good faith.

Cameo Garrett

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