Friday, June 27, 2008

Copy Of: Why I Cannot Get Medical Care in WA and Dept. Attempt to Deny Coverage

FW: Why I Cannot Get Medical Care In Washington/Dept. Attempt To Deny Medical Coverage‏
From: cam huegenot (
Sent: Fri 6/27/08 9:11 AM

Please forward to Judge Hotchkiss and Jo Jackson. I have forwarded copies to all parties of interest and this is an attachment to my Notice Of Relocation. I'm not able to fax file it right now, but I would like to have this and my email from last night, filed in the court record. Thanks.
> From:
> To:;;;;
> Subject: Why I Cannot Get Medical Care In Washington/Dept. Attempt To Deny Medical Coverage
> Date: Fri, 27 Jun 2008 09:08:36 -0700
> Dear Juanita,
> Please forward this email to Judge Hotchkiss as well.
> I want to explain why I couldn't get medical care in Washington, even outside of Wenatchee.
> When Wenatchee refused me a simple X-ray for my tailbone, I explained how I then went to Seattle without telling anyone, and got an X-ray which proved I was right.
> I tried to keep going to Seattle, but the reason I went there for the X-ray initially, without letting anyone know, is because I found out they were calling ahead of me, and notifying whomever I went to, to deny me medical care or prejudice my care.
> I had no problems in Seattle, until I let Wenatchee know where I was going for care. All of a sudden, University of Washington family clinic's medical director sent me a letter, telling me I was being kicked out of UofW medical care, because, she said, they had a 3 times no-show policy. I had only missed two appointments, not three, for no show, and could prove it, AND one of those no-shows I called ahead for, as soon as I could, though I wasn't able to give 24 hours notice, because the reason I couldn't go was migraine. I couldn't control migraines and they come unannounced. I explained this to her, and she didn't care. So UofW discriminated against me because of migraine disability for one of the no shows, and just kicked me out. I figured there had to be another reason they were kicking me out. This director wouldn't have made a point of writing a letter to kick me out, when there wasn't sufficient cause, unless, I figured, she was instructed to let me go so I couldn't get care and diagnostics there.
> Also, the state, as I was on state insurance, discriminated against me, telling me I could go Seattle for care when I couldn't get care in Wenatchee, and telling me they would reimburse my mileage, and then they suddenly refused to reimburse me. The state owes me at least $1,000 in back pay for reiumbursement to my medical trips to Seattle, and I have records for this. I found it odd that they were suddenly telling me I had to go to Wenatchee doctors when I'd already exhausted that option, and then pressured and forced me out of going to Seattle by draining my account and not paying me back, when they knew I was on TANF with a full grant, with my only source of income being about $440/month. I had to be reimbursed and they refused, after first telling me to ahead. So I wasn't able to get medical care after they did this, because I wasn't able to afford to drive to Seattle.
> I tried going a shorter distance, to Ephrata, at that point. I got loans from my grandparents to just pay for gas to get there because they knew what was happening was wrong, and they SAW me suffering with my injuries and headaches. So I got a doctor in Ephrata, who was great, and worked out for almost 6 months, until Wenatchee doctors found out where I was going, I presume through the state, because I finally told my social worker where I was going and that my grandparents were paying for me out of pocket. We were doing private pay, and I was receiving care until a doctor from Wenathcee Vally Clinic wrote a LETTER to my doctor, slandering me as being drug-seeking and suggesting my doctor would be in trouble of being reported if he continued to prescribe narcotics for my pain. After receiving this letter, my doctor in Ephrata kicked me out of his clinic. He had zero evidence I was "drug-seeking" and I wasn't. I was pain relief seeking and had asked him for referrals to other doctors to get diagnostics for surgery and treatment to get to the root of my pain. I also tried non-narcotic alternatives with him, as well.
> Finally, my state insurance quit covering me for things, and called my doctors to tell them they wouldn't be covered. Enough Wenatchee doctors had called the state (Wenatchee dept) and my state medical insurance boards, so that I was prejudiced from receiving care.
> My last doctor was private pay because I was refused care through the state, even though I had a right to it. The state, Dept. of Social and Health Services, to this day, owes me at least $1,000. After I tried to collect on that $1,000, they tried to kick me AND my son off of TANF altogether. They dropped us without cause, and I had to take it to a Fair Hearing, where they lost and it was determined they had discriminated against me.
> The next thing that happened, is that the next complaint which came from Wenatchee doctors against me, to CPS, was pushed through by the state, even though they knew they didn't have cause.
> I tried getting care in Whatcom County, while living here, and there was no problem, once again, until I let my PD, the AG in Wenatchee, and people in the Wenatchee system know who my PCP was, and where I was going. All of a sudden, after letting them know, my doctor began treating me differently, backing out on his eager agreement to try for a medical marijuana permit, and tells me he's not going to do this anymore. I also went to have an evaluation for my tailbone injuries, after Wenatchee knew which clnic I was going to, and that I was getting this second opinion, and the woman, the only GYN there, who handled pelvic isssues, sits down and tried to convince me to not have her examine me. She spent over 20 minutes saying she didn't think I needed surgery and that I shouldn't need an evaluation and she wasn't going to advocate for me for my legal process. I said she couldn't begin to know if she didn't evaluate me. So she examined me, and then says she can refer me to a specialist for one matter, which she found problems for, and yet she denied I had any tailbone pain. She hadn't even seen my X-rays. I asked what kind of doctor would evaluate my tailbone and pelvic issues and she said it would be an osteopathic doctor. I asked for a referral and she refused. I thought it odd she was so interested in NOT examining me, and in minimizing what was going on.
> Then, at that clinic is where my medical release form was "lost" not once, but FOUR TIMES and my medical records were not effectively faxed over to my PD until too late. This clinic didn't even notify anyone, including me, that my fax wasn't going through, and they had my contact information.
> The fact that I couldn't get my records quickly enough meant I didn't have enough to show the court I needed change of venue and that my use of marijuana for migraine was necessary.
> So something isn't right, and I'm not the problem.
> I cannot get medical care in the state of Washington, because my care is prejudiced by people trying to influence the outcome of my diagnostics and records. There are some individuals who know I plan to sue for medical malpractice and that my records will come into play in this event.
> This affects my ability to show the court I do have physical injuries, and that both the state and the Wenatchee doctors have had a joint motive for depriving me and my son of medical care, and for taking him from me wthout cause, making it appear as though I'm not just a bad mom, but mentally ill. If they can discredit me through the dependency process, they are more than ahead of the game in trying to minimize or quash their liabilities for what they've done. They can not only say I'm mentally ill and my "pain" is all somatic, dispensing with my pain and suffering claim, they can also say I don't really have the injuries I say I do, and prevent diagnostics and objective evaluations from proving them wrong. My son hasn't had any help, at all, besides.
> This is why I have to go out of Washington. I cannot afford a private attorney or my own independent evaluations within Washington and without them, I will continue to lose.
> Finally, I am still not smoking marijuana. In order to work for the oil refinery, I had to submit to a UA and it came out clean. I had zero evidence of any drug use in my system, and it was done spur of the moment, without notice to me.
> When you decide there's a possible political motive for what has happened here, let me know and I'll be happy to give you the rest of the details and documents to back my story up. So far, you have treated me the same way the rest of Wenatchee has, and refused to listen and be impartial.
> And, by the way, when my own PD won't sit down and listen to me tell him this, what has happened, and says to me, without listening, "There isn't any political agenda", that's not effective counsel. My PD refused to develop a legal strategy which fit my case, which was an excellent defense, and refused to prepare for it, and did this without any knowledge of the facts of my case, or any interest in finding out.
> My own social workers, who work closely with CPS, were found, by the fair hearings judge, to have directly discriminated againt me. They were also nasty to me, and tried to pull other things, when I said I would report THEM again to the Fair Hearings board, for what they continued to do (refusal to reimburse me for medical transportation which is provided for by state law). The same social worker, Tina Thornton, who was a party to my discrimination claim (as well as her supervisors and even the director Debbie Schoemer), in the middle of my claim, quit her job as a social worker and moved over to accept a position with CPS. She still works for CPS and it is on the record that even while she was still my own social worker, she went to CPS to complain about me, telling them only that she was afraid I had "mental issues" (after I threatened to report her for refusing my son and I benefits). After she admitted, on CPS record, that she claimed to believe I had mental disability, she and her supervisors then tried to kick me and my son off of benefits altogether, and told the Fair Hearings judge, UNDER OATH, that they NEVER once believed I had any mental issues of any kind and that they'd never discussed this amongst themselves. The Judge decided this was not the truth. The department lied under oath to one judge, and they will continue to lie under oath to another judge.
> Cameo Garrett

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