Thursday, June 12, 2008

Copy of Email to Wenatchee AG and PDs Sent Today

Also, once again, you made a motion against release of my medical records, which I didn't see, and most likely, failed to include the fact that releasing my current records is a conflict of interest and only benefits the hosptial and medical professionals in Wenatchee, in their interest of obtaining discovery regarding my injuries which they are responsible for. This is inappropriate, and knowing I plan to file a lawsuit for personal injury, shows an attempt on the part of the AG, CPS, and Wenatchee medical professionals, to cover their own and collaborate to benefit eachother and the defense of Davis Arneil and others.

As the only medical "question" or suggestion has been for mental illness, any and all records relating to physical injuries is not appropriate for disclosure. I have had two of their own mental professionals object to their concerns that I was mentally ill and I also attempted to check myself into a voluntary rehab for slanderous claims I was "drug-seekiing" when I was only seeking relief from severe migraines and pelvic pain which was ignored. When I told both the state, my social worker, CPS, and others, that I wished to be "evaluated" in order to prove I was never drug seeking, I was told I could not be admitted to any of the local problems unless I ADMITTED I had a problem. They said they would not evaluate me, period, and I voluntarily tried to see if several Wenatchee and Chelan clinics would do this. This shows an attempt on the part of Wenatchee, to deny me the right to PROVE I had no "drug seeking" issues.

Since I have NO evaluations of mental illness by any licesed professional, my medical records should not be introduced, and the fact that my medical records AND mental health records were faxed all around town and discussed by telephone with clinics outside of the Wenatchee area, and even to my insurance companies, shows self-interest on the part of Wenatchee to limit their liability for slandering me. It was after I gave CWH 2 neuroglogy reports from Oregon which diagnosed me with sever migraine (which CWH docs were trying to call "tension headaches") that the complaints to CPS started to come in. I had threatened to sue the medical professionals for not only HIPPA violations which I could prove, but for slandering me in my medical charts and refusing to make necessary corrections after I gave them records which proved them wrong. I also had grounds for filing for retaliation and an attempt to cover up the damages of me and my son by refusing us basic services such as simple X-ray (which proved I had broken my tailbone and fractured my pelvis in childbirth and that this was a source of pain).

What the department is proving, by their very requests, is that this is not about my son or whether I am a good parent and whether he was ever at risk for harm or neglect in the absence of any evidence of harm and neglect.

I had doctors in Wenatchee trying to force me out of town and out of the state, and the first thing CPS did was to offer me a one-way bus ticket to another state.

My own social worker and the Dept. of Social and Health Services, attempted to refuse me and my son the right to medical services for physical injuries, and discriminated against me as well. I reported them, and the AG was involved with this department before CPS.

I can also prove that the AG department had inappropriate contact with me prior to defending the state for CPS claims. I called the AG as a consumer, concerned about problems in Wenatchee, and they allowed me to give them a significant number of details and to disclose information to them, on more than one occasion, before telling me, after hours of conversation, that they had a "conflict of interest".

This slight "problem" has still not been addressed by the AG, although Caballero was certaintly concerned enough when he thought I'd retained a private attorney, to ask for more information. As soon as the private attorney was gone, he was no longer worried.

When you guys figure out how to straighten yourselves and your town out, let me know, because so far, I've had NO valid Public Defense, and rather, I've had stalling and refusals to involve the ADA or anyone else outside your small-town circle. I have a Davis Arneil lawyer who is friends with the firm still, involved in my case besides, and suddenly my medical records are "discoverable" to the very same people I have been planning to sue for medical malpractice, who then retaliated against me with their own claims, and know I cannot sue on behalf of my son as long as my parental rights to do so are suspended.

You guys have some MAJOR issues and this is going online on my blog, along with the fact that your Judge Hotchkiss has been dealing favors for the Wenatchee community for years and will not stop now, and has refused to address my request that he recuse himself from this case and that I be granted change of venue for the insurmountable issues with your county system.


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