Thursday, June 12, 2008

Judge Hotchkiss Bribes/Threatens Me Not To Report Wenatchee PDs to The Bar

I am contacting the Office of Civil Rights regarding HIPPA violations I should have reported earlier, and conflicts of interest occuring now within the Wenatchee system. I'm also finally contacting ADA regarding the refusal of Wenatchee PDs to engage them and ask for their assistance, when I've been requesting this for MONTHS. Wenatchee PDs have even refused to contact a Wenatchee lawyer who had already made an ADA argument on my behalf and is somewhat knowlegable about the issues that have been involved here.

In the last hearing, I was told by the Judge that I could either rescind my threats to report both of my PDs to the Bar for negligence and conflict of interest, and take them BACK, or I could go without any public defense at all. I was basically coerced to take back lawyers I fired for good cause, who knew I was going to file Bar complaints against. The Judge Hotchkiss, besides, has continued to refuse to address my declaration that he recuse himself from my case. He refused on the outset, without even reading what I had filed in the last hearing, and continued to refuse to recuse himself in this last hearing, and proceeded to make decisions and orders which directly benefited the other side.

The Wenatchee justice system is totally corrupt, top to bottom. I would actually argue that there is no "top" OR "bottom" but that it's just one and the same group. After months of my filing release forms to get my medical records to my PD, for change of venue, and one excuse after the other for why they were not received or change of venue couldn't be argued, suddenly, just when the state wants all my records for their and the medical professionals of Wenatchee (whom I've reported and am trying to sue) for discovery, my records are "available". My medical records just suddenly finally were "found" and faxed, complete, after my opportunity for change of venue to get my case OUT of WENATCHEE is gone.

I'm sorry, but I can understand how the PDs weren't able to get my records, maybe the first or even the second time, but THIRD and FOURTH time?!! And I'm conveniently NOT told when the change of venue hearing is, and so I miss it and cannot be present?

And then I'm threatened by the Judge to either take back lawyers I fired, or go without public defense, and that I must promise and agree NOT to turn them over to the Bar if I take them back? this,...well....ethical? Since when is it proper or appropriate, and NOT coercive or prejudicial, to have a small town judge who refuses to step down and address his own issues, bribe me not to report negligence to the Bar, in exchange for the right to representation?

My first PD proved he wasn't communicating with me, and I have tons of email to show for it. My second PD admitted HERSELF that there was a conflict of interest, and didn't fight for me besides, and suddenly, after lying about how she never received my medical records, she claims she no longer believes she has a conflict of interest?

One doesn't go from "I have a conflict of interest" to "no conflict of interest" within a week unless they are trying to cover for the fact that during this conflict of interest in representing me phase, information was obtained which was highly beneficial to conflict of interest party, and is grounds for a Bar complaint. Not to mention the constant lying about how my release forms were always lost, or couldn't be found, or were never faxed, and then finally, after being faxed to the conflict of interest party (which I discovered) were "illegible". Illegible my ASS. Perhaps Ms. Wellbaum just hoped I'd never discover what the conflict of interest was, and when I DID, suddenly, it was made into a lesser issue.

Not to mention my medical records were then sent out to a third party copying company, without my permission or consent, and that I still have not had any answer as to which company this is/was.

This is why certain attorneys will never be disbarred from practice, if they're part of the Wenatchee team. They've got their own judges coercing clients to "take it back" with the threat of not having any public defender at all.

Really nice.

First, my PD Paul Cassel refuses to file a Motion for Recusal of Judge Hotchkiss, and I find out they're old buddies and used to work together at the same joint law firm before Hotchkiss became judge, and then, in return for the favor, Hotchkiss tells me to take back my threat of reporting Cassel and Wellbaum to the Bar.

With a public defense and "Judge" like this, who needs enemies?

And people CLAIM this town and system has improved from the Wenatchee Sex Abuse Witch Hunt days.

There is so much more. I'm actually going to go back through my email correspondence and put some of this on my blog, which will show the timeline of how the Judge and the PDs and AG basically just throw things back and forth and bounce it around until it's too late for the client and they get their way.

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