Sunday, June 15, 2008

Pancreatic Cancer

I know someone who may have pancreatic cancer. First I heard about certain high levels which indicate cancer precursor, and then I started to witness a few signs which may not be anything, but is now freaking me out.

I noticed digestive issues, and leaning forward with back pain that wasn't relieved by massage, so said this person. They haven't gone in for further diagnostics, and I think they are slightly depressed, so I have no idea how to encourage them to do so. I don't have enough influence in this person's life to make them want to go, simply because I care, as I haven't been a friend long, and I'm not a close relative.

Pancreatic cancer is one of the most deadly forms of cancer. Once detected, prognosis isn't good. I wonder if this person just doesn't want to find out what's going on, if they think avoidance will keep it off mind, or if they figure they're going to go anyway and have a death wish.

This person didn't tell the person they would marry (but chose to break up with), but I think told family...but they told ME. So come on now--you can't drop something like that in my lap and just not do anything about it.

So much for funny. It's hard to write a funny post about cancer.

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