Monday, June 23, 2008

CPS and Wenatchee Obstruction Of Justice

I have repeatedly sent emails to my appointed "public defenders" who have ignored my email and chosen not to respond. Jeanne Wellbaum again withdrew (again) after claiming she couldn't represent me if I was turning her into the Bar. Judge Hotchkiss demanded I not turn in either Jeanne or former PD Paul Cassel, if I wanted to be represented at all, or, he said, I could go pro se. It was either I take back my "threat" to report these PDs for negligence and prejudice to my case (not to mention conflict of interest in the case of Ms. Wellbaum), or go on my own, which is not what I want. I want to be represented by public defense, and yet I also believe I have the right to be represented in a reasonable manner, for example, by being notified of hearings I should be present for, seeing motions filed on my behalf beforehand, and having conferences and contact before proceeding with hearings, to name a few things.

This Judge Hotchkiss has not only made judicial offers for favors to a former neighbor of mine, he, on the record, attempted to bribe me NOT to report Wenatchee PDs to the Bar, telling me I would not be represented if I didn't go along. He also refused, on the record, to address my declaration for his recusal, based on my belief that if he has offered favors to others in the community, in the past, he would do this in my case as well (and thereafter proved he would do this, and so far, with no fear of consequence whatever).

I cannot get any kind of objective medical evaluation of injuries in Washington state, especially where "the state" or department, has had so many prior issues with me it is a conflict of interest to even have someone paid by the state perform any kind of assessment, for either mental or physical status. I have already had doctors from Wenatchee, and lawyers, interfere with the kind of diagnostics I receive in this state, and I recently found out my "new" medical clinic is overseen by a Catholic organization, which isn't good as I've had ongoing legal problems with certain groups within the Roman Catholic Church. And, for the record once again, I do not blame regular, normal, churchgoing Catholics or parishioners to be "out to get me" or the problem. The problem has been with select individuals and the lawyers who have attempted to obscure the truth of what happened to me and how illegal their actions against me were. They went to extremes, and, from what I've witnessed personally, there is "catholic mafia", basically, within secular law enforcement which acts on its own, under color of state or federal law.

I have already had this happen, and it's snowballed, and now all anyone wants is to punish me by removing my son without cause, and try to then force me to have an evaluation by their people, to "fit" me with a diagnostic to justify and excuse them from the things which were done.

I asked my PDs, from the very beginning, for assistance in getting change of venue so I could stay in touch with my son and also get medical care outside of Wenatchee, and for my son as well. They did nothing, and instead did a lot of things which are contrary to good defense.

I have written to them multiple times, asking for advice as to the consequences of leaving the state simply in order to take care of the medical side of things, outside of Washington, and departmental conflicts of interest, and my PDs refuse to answer. So they leave me with basically nothing. I'm damned if I do, and damned if I don't.

I am told I would be "abandoning" my son if I leave, and yet I have cried myself to sleep at night and suffered with not being able to see my son because I cannot travel the distance required by bus, because of injuries. I did not, and have not ever "chosen" not to see my son. They have purposefully prevented me from seeing him, and even before my injuries worsened, when I was asking to see him in the beginning, CPS prevented me from doing so for almost a full month, making up "paperwork" and arragnement excuses which I later found to be completely invalid. I asked and hounded my PDs, when I could no longer make the trip to Wenatchee, to file for change of venue so the case would be transferred to this county, where I live, so I didn't have to travel and I could see my son. My PDs did nothing. I repeatedly filled out medical release of information forms which were constantly lost and only a week or two ago did I discover the clinic I've been going to is bought out by, and associated with, a Catholic health management group. As I've said in the past, losing my release forms even TWICE is one thing, but FOUR times? doesn't add up.

It stinks. What has been happening for a very long time, is rotten to the core, and in my attempt to juggle my severe distress and manage the helplessness, I have tried to distract myself and release with dancing and having a drink now and then, and trying to socialize, which helps keep me sane and at the same time, gives me no time to work on the true story posts I was wrirting to give background information about what has really been done to me these past few years, and how illegal, not just unethical, but flatly ILLEGAL some of the conduct and actions have been.

At this point, the department wants to keep me in the state, and try to deny I've ever had physical problems or disabilities, and that it's all mental. This would benefit not only the state, which I've had problems with when reporting certain matters, but benefits Wenatchee doctors and health professionals who denied standard of care to me and my son and left both of us with injuries we should have no problem suing for. They wish to mitigate the potential for damage by assigning some mental illness, which would also benefit the FBI employees who assaulted me which the FBI did nothing about, which the Portland Police refused to do anything about, and the Catholic church attorneys couldn't be happier because it would boost their claims that there was something wrong with ME and not THEIR clergy and their illegal practice of "law".

So I'm supposed to just stay in a state where I cannot even get halfway decent legal representation by PDs, where I cannot get medical diagnostics and evaluations which will be objective, where I have already suffered and my son has suffered, from discrimination of physical disability and violation of ADA? I'm supposed to go along with a Judge who manipulates the system and the rules to his own will, and who attempts to threaten and bribe me not to report his buddies who work in the PD system in Wenatchee? And then I'm supposed to lose my right to immediately have this action cast out and my son returned, because I've made enough people angry who know they should just keep me where I am and force me to have evaluations done by peole they KNOW and will pay for, paid for through the state, who will slap me with some crazy claim to justify their conspiracy to conceal and obstruct justice and medical malpractice claims (not to mention HIPPA violations) and try to discredit me?

Oh yeah, and all the bizarre pain symptoms by the way...if they can say I'm crazy first, maybe no one will ever look into THAT or attempt to gather evidence to prove or disprove definitively, that something was actually literally happening.

I am 33 years old and I used less than 5 regular tampons for my last "period". I've lost my regular periods altogether, and I had normal horomone levels before, so maybe I will even have all this crap chalked up to "premenopause" and "mental illness" . Surely a winning combo for the other side. I'd like to know why I had a TAXI DRIVER tell me, in Wenatchee, when I was in the middle of all the pain, that radiation techniques have been used in the past to cause early onset menopause. I had a computer tech, Andy Panda, telling me the things happening to my computers and especially desktop, could only happen through some kind of either radiation or magnetic/x-ray source, and HE brought it up, not me. Then I have some taxi driver in Wenatchee telling me that the KGB used to use this to cause pelvic problems and even cancers down the road. First, he said, it affected a woman's periods and then eventually, led to cancer.

I was not conjuring up these things, and I'm not sitting around wishing for my body not to have periods in order to justfy the only theory that makes any rational sense, based on my bodily symptoms, the damages after, and the pain and the computer problems I was having, which I saw with my own eyes.

But my son is currently withheld from me, and yet the state tries to claim I've just "chosen" not to see him and this Judge tries to force me to show up at hearings, to prove for himself and his friends that I can "travel" when really, I can't, and it's extremely painful.

If I make one trip, it's not going to be to Wenatchee, to headstart a process they've already manipulated, to be left with the same crap as before, and to be in the same situation. If I make one trip, it's to get the hell out of this state, and go where I can get honest evaluations and then come back with my evidence I have been discriminated against and that the state should be sued for what they've done to me and my son.

They will try to twist my need for medical care, into "abandonment" of my son, but I've already told them it would be temporary. I have already asked my PDs countless times, to file a Motion for Medical Abatement, to allow me time to get these proofs, but they refuse to even answer my email. I've been asking them from the start, for change of venue, but they wanted to keep everything right there in Wenatchee. Now that I know my current medical clinic, which started having some odd "results", is affiliated with a Catholic organization, and that this entire county is basically under Peacehealth (catholic organization) and a private Catholic hospital (St. Joseph's), and after having my records not come through, and release forms constantly lost, and then my claims finally undermined once they knew who I was, how am I to even get objective diagnostics HERE?!

And if I have certain individuals attempting to influence the outcome of my evaluations, here, they will try to find out where I go outside of the state, and affect this as well. Which is why it is better for me to drop out of the CPS process altogether, since I'm getting no help from PDs anyway, and take care of medical things somewhere else, discreetly, and then come back with some lawyers and the ADA on my side.

I am not abandoning my son.

But if I don't leave, my son will be taken from me longer term, and I will continue to be refused the right to visitation which accomodates my injuries and inability to travel, and if I am slapped with their own crazy diagnostics, it will put me in a permanently disadvantaged position as his mother, to ever be an effective advocate for either him or myself.

What I do, I do with only the future in sight, even if the short term, as I'm forced to accept it, is grim. But my concern has always been for my son and for his right to be with me unimpeded. He is currently still deprived his own medical diagnostics, and in part, it's because I've already been discredited as "mentally ill" and so therefore it's assumed everyone is safe in refusing my requests that he have a more thorough examination. I know what he was capable of doing before, and how he is now, and it's not normal, and he's been refused diagnostics. I am also unable to file a lawsuit on his behalf when the state has temporary custody of him. So this works to benefit Wenatchee medical professionals. If they can only keep my son and me in a CPS battle long enough, statute of limitations for filing suit for malpractice may even expire.

Fancy that.

I will try to write what I can, in the time I have, to explain some more things that have happened, and to put proof of all my attempts to contact PDs, online. I intend to make this aspect public so that if and when I disappear, and someone tries to claim I "abandoned" my son, anyone can go back to this, and read this, and see that I would never be forced into this position, if I my civil rights were not being violated to begin with.

My son will know I did what I felt was best for getting us back together WITHOUT future consequences and stigma. My son will know that I was denied my right to see him even when I was attempting to "cooperate" with the department, and that it has been the department and the Wenatchee justice system which has been coercive and unethical.

I love my son more than anything in the world, and I know he has already been traumatized. I tried to put up the video YOUTUBE stuff of him and me together but this computer won't upload them so I have to find another computer to use to do it.

Anyone seeing the webcam footage of me and my son, with my son relaxed and nonchalantly resting his chin on my arm, in affection, will see our bond and how what has happened was not only tragic, but evil.

I refuse to allow anyone to take anything more from me.

As for my family, CPS worked that angle, because my family is comprised of ultra-religious and extreme "christians" who disapprove of my not going to church. They feel it's better for my son to be raised with religious family, for the sake of his "soul" (so he doesn't burn in hell if anything should happen) than with ME, even if they know I'm an excellent mother. His "soul" is more important. If they couldn't see to it that I am sufficiently "saved" or "living right with God", they will attempt to have my son taken from me to ensure they can raise him as they see "fit".

Let me put it to you this way--since my aunt took my son, she has refused to give him or print out any photos of me and my son together, for my son. She has several online, and claims she can't afford to print them out. She put ONE next to his bed and I don't know if it's there anymore. She doesn't show him photos of me online. She is not there half the time I'm supposed to be able to call to speak to my son. After I explicitly asked her to order some of his favorite books from the library, she refused until just a week or two ago. She refused to get all the toys I had for him out of storage, claiming there were "too many" and they would clutter the house. She didn't get out his Barney movies and other favorites he had, choosing instead to barrage him with Christian videos she preferred of VeggieTales (the same ones, over and over). She refuses to take my son to a doctor for a second opinion about getting diagnostics, outside of Wenatchee, even when I offerred to pay for her transportation and lodging and food.

I basically do not have "family" on my side. After seeing the kind of "christianity" they choose and have chosen to practice over the years, I want my son to have nothing to do with it, and neither do I. My family has their own motivations, and CPS and "the department" fed them a bunch of lies from the start, which I heard denied later, to try to get my family working AGAISNT me and not for me. The only time CPS was backing down was when they thought I had a private attorney hired. Then they suddenly called me up, the director of CPS, Russ Haogen, and asked about just calling the whole thing off and dismissing the case on their own voluntarily.

Basically, I consider my "family" to be my son. Period. The rest of my family had done some peculiar things before I left with my son for Canada, which were self-protective and had a financial interest, and I had already decided I was better off wthout them. After what has happened since then, I am more confirmed in my opinion than ever. I have my own support group and long term friends, and they do not include relatives, who unfortunately, happen to almost ALL be fanatically religious. My cousin was afraid to ask for a divorce from her physically abusive husband (who held a gun to her head) because she was worried about what the rest of the family would think because she was going to be the FIRST in the family to divorce, and she knew the family was against divorce for any rreason other than adultry, on religious principles.

I and my son are on our own. I know I provide far better and more consistent care than my aunt's family, and I know my aunt's housework is more important to her than my son or meeting his needs. I know this, because I hear what's going on when I talk to him for 15 minutes. I also know he gets about ZERO intellectual stimulation and playtime at the park and with other kids. My aunt's family's focus is church, period, and all FOUR of their kids, who had pretty much straight A averages, skipped going to college to attend some non-accredited "Master's Commission" school for 2 years, where they become trained in fundamental christianity. Here I am, accused at least once or twice, of being schitzophrenic or something along those lines, when I've never claimed to hear voices or see things and have none of the symptoms, but my cousins, who write blogs with statements like: "Today God told me I need to respect my neighbor more" and "God spoke to me today about how I should..." and all kinds of personal relevatory statements about having a direct telephone line to Jesus Christ.

THESE are the "normal" people?!

Why? Oh, oops, my mistake. They're not completely normal, but just considered by my enemies to be the lesser of two evils, because at least the other christians in this family won't report anyone or try to hold anybody accountable. They'll just leave it all to God, with statements about how God will be the Judge in the end times or in Heaven. Forget fucking "NOW" because they're always "Justice in Heaven" to fall back on.

I'm "mentally ill" because I'm "dangerous", because...

I'm honest. And I'm not afraid to report your ass if you're doing something that is a direct violation of my or anybody else's cvil rights.


  1. You stated: "My aunt's family's focus is church, period, and all FOUR of their kids, who had pretty much straight A averages, skipped going to college to attend some non-accredited "Master's Commission" school for 2 years, where they become trained in fundamental christianity." Two of those cousins are accredited school teachers so they had to attend college to become teachers. One of them went to Running Start at WVC so she went to college. Skipped college? I don't think so, maybe just delayed attending college.

  2. Statement: 'I am 33 years old and I used less than 5 regular tampons for my last "period". I've lost my regular periods altogether, and I had normal horomone levels before, so maybe I will even have all this crap chalked up to "premenopause" and "mental illness" .'
    Have you ever thought of endometriosis? It could be something as 'simple' as that and has nothing to do with hormone levels.

  3. regarding first comment, about aunt's church. So what if they eventually went to college, they still delayed to become further indoctrinated in radical and fundamental christian beliefs which have affected their lives and still make them sound nutty when they talk about "conversations with God". One cousin could have gone straight to an Ivy league college for medicine, and instead, she went to this other place. I hardly think that's using ones talents and god-given given or self-earned "gifts" appropriately. One cousin is in mid-20s and bitter, and has never had a girlfriend in his life, because this place teaches against dating or anything physical. So, um..what the hell is he doing in the meantime? Not to mention, they all "speak in tongues". So I guess that means they're not just bilingual in English/Spanish but TRILINGUAL! I guess I should be happy about that.

    Not to mention the hypocrisy and dead-beatedness of "we'll pray for you" mentalities which do not put "faith" into action. Either you are here on this earth to make a difference and meet practical needs, or you pass off the responsibility to some unseen higher power and expect him to shock some other idiot into "getting a message" to assist. THEN, feel free to take all the credit for the miracle, on account of your "prayers". God answered your prayers, which you could have answered yourself about 30 years ago, if you'd decided to take some self-iniative.

    No, I'm not atheist. I'm fucking pissed off at the brand of 'christianity" I see floating around all the time, and I don't think I'm alone. I'm anti-humanity-posing-to-be-all-that.

  4. Regarding endemetriosis. Well that's a GREAT reason to start taking kids away from their parents. Wow. Next thing we know, CPS will be inspecting tampon boxes along with going through cupboards and refrigerators.

    No, I don't have fucking endemetriosis. If someone would LISTEN to me and fucking BELIEVE the list of symptoms I wrote I had when I was in such extreme pain, it only adds up to one thing, and it's not endemetriosis.

    I don't have pain at all now. Huh! Well now that's bizarre, isn't it. If I had endemetriosis, I'd be having cramps. I don't have that. I'm also not almost passing out and getting a pressure in my head at the same time which causes me to have diarrhea, and my hair on my body is growing fine now, and I don't have a dozen baseball sized unexplained bruises, or SEVERE pain in my pelvis and spine which weakened me so badly I could hardly sit for more than 15 minutes, or twitching all night which was completely unrelated to mild use of doctor-prescribed narcotics. I've had higher levels of narcotics before, with ZERO side effects. NOTHING explains the "hits" or whatever I was feeling, OR the combined serious problems with my computer, where even my desktop's functions were being disabled, and the computer was being turned on when I physically had the bluetooth, wifi, and physical "off" buttons pressed off. It also doesn't explain my phone calls being rerouted to other businesses I did NOT call by mistake, or how my son's battery operated toys were going off on their own, suddenly, during the time we were having such horrible pain and symptoms.

    You fucking LISTEN to me, and BELIEVE me, and use logic and common sense, or you don't.

    I have people who do believe me, and they just don't want anyone else to, and hope the evidence or any potential for evidence will be concealed and remain this way.

    There was nothing "simple" about my physical problems and the fact that I watched my OWN SON suffer with the same thing. My son was not on narcotics and yet he was twitching all night as well, sometimes even raising his hand up straight in the air as he twitched, and then waking up in the middle of the night, holding his head in pain, and crying, at the same time I got a zap or whatever was happening which caused my blood pressure to go from 100 to 140 and to almost pass out with dizziness, crackling sensations in the brow, and severe tightness in the brow.

    I had different guys coming up to the house during this time, for odd reasons, and cars driving by sometimes, and once, I found a man who looked professional, on the back of the property, with something that looked like a metal detector, going around the back of the orchard. It had a chicken feet type prong which made marks in the snow. I also saw the Dorsey Plumbing van parked across from my house, when all other businesses were closed, and following me once, after a visit out of Wenatchee. There was also a large utility van which was out of place, when I was first in Canada with my son, when we still had the problems, and I ended up in ER AGAIN, with blanched body tissue falling out of my body into the toilet, which a nurse saw. My entire abdomen was burning on fire from the constant exposure of whatever it was, especially after they gave me an IV of ergotamine. It seared me on the inside and next thing I know, I'm passing tissue in the toilet that's not even bloody.

    When you can come back to me with an intelligent explanation, and not try to pass this all off as being imagined, let me know.

    Oh yeah, and when God finally hears your prayers, maybe you could let me know which government institution is willing to take biometrical samples to measure the levels of radiation.

    When someone fucking does this for me, maybe I'll go to church and say my thanks. Until then, anyone I know who purports to be christian and concerned about my case, an intellectual, or a relative, can go to metaphysical hell.
