Sunday, June 22, 2008

Smug In The Club With His Sights On

I went out dancing last night, looking very 90s I think, in a top I hate but wore anyway, and had some fun. I still miss big city, and the variety of dance music, but it was better than working it out to karaoke. I think I had a little too much to drink though, because my dancing game was off and everyone within arms reach was my rock of gibralter. My pillars of strength.

There was one guy who was an exceptional dancer. Very skilled--excellent lead. Really, I think the last time I danced with someone who knew how to dance like that, it was 4 years ago in Portland, Oregon. It was sort of funny though--very dramatic and he's playing around and I was too and then I just blurted, "Are we acting or something?" and he laughed, because it was like we were performing to an Usher video. I said I felt like we were trying out for an MTV video, as he's throwing me against the bars of the railing, and then we're giving eachother these dramatic looks. Totally funny now. He asked me to kiss him and tried but I dodged. Finally I said, "You have a bet going or something?" and he said no but he was looking over my shoulder, behind me. I figured he was trying to impress some other woman so thought "what the hell" and kissed him.

There were actually quite a few goodlooking guys towards the middle/end of the night. Why I'm writing this I have no idea. It's not exactly club review material...

It was better than dancing to karaoke! (hey... but letting y'all in on a little secret, those tiny little small-town dives can actually be a lot of fun with the proper attitude adjustment--those people who are willing to dance to karaoke are the die-hard party people, in a way).

My bee-ahtch took me out and was a great safety there. I also asked him about being called that, again, and he laughed and laughed. He said he really doesn't mind it, but I had to be sure he knew I was joking and it was really okay with him and it was. I thought about all of this, after someone said to be careful because some people might think about sexual harassment or try to twist things. I don't call other people this, or call him this around others, but thought about it. Also, all my talk about testosterone and the guys at the refinery, it's all in fun. Any married or committed woman knows her man is safe with me, because I don't go for already-committeds, even if they want to or try. And, I praise testosterone, but I'm a big sister too, and I simply just like hanging out with the guys sometimes. Sometimes, I'd rather hear about chemicals and guns instead of how to make mayonaise or be around catty gossip. Someone inferred I liked working around men because then I was the center of attention. I don't think it's entirely true, but there is some truth to it.

I have to work today and I am NOT feeling it. My back is killing me after doing a couple of stupid backbends. A little alcohol and my flexibility is enhanced (I think to myself, at the time) 100%. I did the dips while being swung around by this guy who knew how to dance. Really, I'm still impressed, now thinking about it again. He said he was from Texas but he didn't have an accent. I was just thinking, I hope I get to dance with him again. He was, really, a great dancer. Even my bee-atch noticed and said, "I thought he was a total player but I noticed his skills." He was definitely a player. I don't care. I just want to dance.

Hi-ho, hi-ho, off to work I go.

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