Monday, June 23, 2008

I Do Not Have Endemetriosis

For a reminder of what my and my son's physical symptoms were before leaving for Canada, please see latest answers to comments posted on my recent write up about obstruction of justice, written just last night.

I had someone write in, thinking maybe all my problems could have a simple answer: endemetriosis, and I wrote back a detailed description of exactly why it's NOT that, and why no one has been paying attention to the list of bizarre that I not only had, but my SON had.

People are forgetting things which are relevant, and I can't believe I have to live in this world filled with fucking idiots.

And I'm the "crazy one". Face it fuckers, the truth is stranger than fiction, and what happened to me and my son was criminal. Now get over your assumptions and stop trying to dumb me down.

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