Monday, June 23, 2008

Webcam Footage Of My Son (Evidence) Disappears

Now my DVD which had all the webcam footage of me and my son together is saying it's a blank disc. It was all there, and working on two different computers and my roommate saw some of the footage himself.

It's gone now, and I haven't taken the disc out of my house, or used it on a computer since I last tried to upload and it wouldn't upload (taking too long).

I talked to a computer tech who said the disc I used is NOT REWRITABLE and said it shouldn't be coming up blank or erased. I went to two different neighbors houses and tried it on their computers and it's not working on any computer. It appears to be gone, and it was an extremely important and solid part of evidence which shows me and my son together, interacting in a loving and playful, bonded way, just a couple days before leaving for Canada. It proves there was no risk of harm and was my best evidence.

Now it's just "gone"?

I'd like to know, and a computer tech I've talked to would like to know, how it could simply be erased. I didn't transfer any files, and I didn't erase anything. It's not a RW or rewritable disc. It's a DVD-R. But it's coming up completely blank, on 4 different computers I've tried today.

The last time I tried it, was about 4 days ago and it came up fine. I had trouble uploading so was going to take it to an IBM instead, because the computer was burning into overdrive and making a lot of noise when I tried to upload it on a Mac. So I thought it was a Mac problem. But I didn't hit erase or anything.

And it's not scratched. I had it in a CD jacket in a drawer and touched it on the outside--I wouldn't have even left my own fingerprints on it.

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