Saturday, June 28, 2008

Mafia: Edit Instead Of Deletion Of Blog

I realize I've muddled things.

I shouldn't have written sidenote commentary and interjected poems and freewrites with my explanation of events that have led to where I am now, which could be helpful to someone in the justice system who wants to know what's happened. The true story stuff.

So, I'm going to be removing all the superfluous posts and put them into another site/blog, and then keep the timeline of events regarding legal matters and litigation, harassment, etc, linear.

Also, for someone who isn't familiar with the timeline, the stuff about "radiation" and things I observed may sound strange, but it's not, in context. When I write about my observations, I'm not saying "Dorsey Plumbing" is behind this, or that some guy with a metal detector, etc. I'm just saying that when things started happening to both me and my son, I kept track of everything I could, to try to figure it out. I also noticed, for example, whenever we got the sudden taser pangs, it was at nighttime, after working hours, and that 3 cars (almost always including this one red truck) were passing the house, evenly spaced from eachother, but close to eachother, like they were together, and standing out from traffic (if there was any other traffic at all). I never knew if it meant anything or not, but I made note of anything and everything that was happening at about the same time, so I had a record.

As for radiation, if that's what was happening, blood dosimetry is pointless after several months, but I've talked to others who say it can be detected up to a year later, and that there are other forms for detection because it alters chromosomes and DNA. So if the proof is there, it's still there.

Of course, no one from Wenatchee is going to offer the testing. But if it were done, and came back positive, it absolutely clears me of everything and shows I was not imagining things and that I have the right to have my son back immediately, through positive proof I have never been "delusional" and that if it turns up on me, according to my reports of how my son was also affected, it shows he was exposed.

Do I think my son's damages are from childbirth or from this "radiation" or whatever? I believe and know that both happened. My son and I were damaged in childbirth, and we were also suffering from some environmental exposure to something which caused extreme pain and bizarre symptoms. Either way, for either reason, my son's sudden loss of speech warrants investigation by MRI, which could turn something up.

I am not crazy, and I still have an opportunity to prove it, and to also prove I made several powerful enemies prior to the "radiation" which could lend to motive and money and resources which would facilitate such a tragedy. Until anyone has listened to exactly what things I have known about, which lawyers tried to conceal, and the kind of mafia abuse I experienced by police who were telling me they were Catholic at the same time, no one has a right to make assumptions of any kind.

Most recently, all my webcam footage of me and my son together, which was viewed by my former roommate, disappeared and now the disc shows language alteration from English to Basque. I didn't do anything by "mistake" which would have deleted this webcam stuff, but obviously, someone knows I was right, that this footage showed a clear bond between me and my son, and that we were normal and happy (when not in pain) prior to leaving for Canada. Someone knew it would help me get my son back immediately and they altered it purposefully.

What's the other "explanation?" I've had too many things happen already--it's gone far beyond "coincidence"

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