Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Judicial Corruption In the United States: Copy of Letter to Tomas Caballero

Corruption in the System--More Firsthand Evidence‏
From: cam )
Sent: Wed 7/16/08 1:40 PM

See below this letter to the editor:

Second the motion
Excellent articles regarding the status of public defense in the State of Washington. I spent the better part of a decade representing juveniles in criminal court and at times it felt like I was pounding hot sand with my head. At the time, I was an inexperienced criminal defense attorney. The firm that hired me controlled the public defender contract in my modestly-sized county in Eastern Washington and they expected me to work half-time in public defense and half-time in civil litigation. As it turned out, my more than full-time job in indigent defense included representing parents in dependency proceedings, approximately half of the juvenile offenders, all of the gravely disabled persons in commitment hearings, and parents in child support contempt proceedings. Fortunately, I was earning $29,000 per year without benefits or insurance. Well, we’ve come a long way since then. Under the leadership of longtime public defender Keith Howard, and with the support of our county commissioners, our county has opened a public defense office. The office is well-funded and staffed with committed public defenders that receive a living wage for their hard work. Hopefully, this is a sign of better things to come. Although I am no longer a public defender I still fully believe in the adage that public defense is the last cornerstone of the Constitution.
Tomas Caballero, Wenatchee

And as such, I would think you would report Judge Hotchkiss and the public defenders in question, for their negligence, and report these things to someone. You know just as well as I do, what was going on, because I copied you on my communications, and you know very well that the representation on my case was negligent and delayed.

As for Keith Howard, that man sat down next to me, in the courtroom during hearings, and tried to bribe me to take a guilty plea, or no-contest plea, after I told my attorney I had evidence which cleared me of "assaulting" my grandmother. There was a Rivercom recording where my grandmother admits to assaulting ME, and that I didn't do anything, and there was also a counseling record where I had reported my uncle Loren assaulting me right before he tried to badmouth me to police about Granny--my grandfather and Loren threatened to kick me out on the streets without notice if i reported what Loren did to the police. Not only that, my grandmother's doctor told me he agreed she was suffering from Alzheimers. I had these things easily available to my PD, and he refused to get them. He also didn't bother with character witnesses. He just sat on the phone and made his own "deal" with the AG, and tried to force me to agree, when it was NOT in my best interests. When I refused, knowing I was innocent, he brought his boss in to try to coerce me, telling me if I didn't take it, I was going to trial THE VERY NEXT DAY with no discovery or evidence. I still refused, and most of those people being "defended" in that county do NOT have the guts I have, and it was extremely difficult for even me to do, because I was being threatened with a year in jail and the removal of my son once he was born--FOR SOMETHING I DID NOT DO. If I had listened to my "PD", I would have a criminal record, and the AG admitted there was zero evidence that I had done anything wrong, and had to drop all charges. There was not even a witness.

The public defense and entire system in Wenatchee is in the crapper. I like to think you're no longer the AAG because something disgusted you and you quit out of good conscience. More likely, you were either promoted, or had to pull out for something like an affair with Commissioner Jill Wise. She's conveniently disappeared altogether as well.

Judge Warren, for the supposed 'assault" charge, REFUSED to file anything from me in the court docket. I wrote over 15 kites from jail and he had the guards return every one of them. Even when I was out of jail, he did this, until I made a major fuss. I told my PD about it and he said, "He can't do that, that's illegal." No duh.

It's also "illegal" for Judge Hotchkiss to pull the games and nasty tricks he's been pulling. But no one speaks up about it, just like no one spoke up about Judge Warren.

I went to the FBI about Warren and was told, "Well, he's retiring anyway, this summer, so an investigation wouldn't do much."

While travelling through the states to my new location, I stayed with some people for a short time, in Alburquerque, NM. Guess what I discovered THERE?! More corruption. An entire ring of lawyers, public defenders, and JUDGES, who "partied" together and snorted massive amounts of cocaine. One of the judges had a "thing" for the girl I stayed with, who also did cocaine (I never have and never will) as it turned out, and those lawyers and judges used money and cocaine to try to get women to sleep with them. When my friend's electrical was cut off, she went to the Judge and he said, "We'll take care of that later," and proceeded to let her know how she could "earn" her money to pay the bill. She did what he wanted.

I learned about those judges and lawyers, in just 2 days.

For whatever reason, I find out about stuff. I like to think it's because GOD knows, I will not stand for it. It's one thing to just be a rat and try to make some miserable person more miserable, who snorts a line now and then or is an addict with a lowly position. It's another thing when people who are in public trust, take their power and do whatever they want, and are not even ashamed of the double standard.

What's even more of a shame, is that some attorneys feel they cannot or should not report such conduct, even though they know it's hypocritical and is most likely affecting a lot of lives.

Justice is not blind and has never been blind. That can be taken two different ways.

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