Friday, July 18, 2008

Copy of Letter to Wenatchee CPS Worker Marie Scanlon

Ms. Scanlon,

I would ask that YOU "consider" something. The continuances I requested were to find a lawyer and also for receiving medical records to prove physical disability and need for change of venue. At NO TIME was I TOLD I had to REPRESENT myself, until 3 weeks ago, by the judge, at the start of a hearing without ANY notice. This was inappropriate as it if I were expected to represent myself, I would need notice in order to prepare. I have not been "preparing" my own case. I have been relying, unfortunately, on PDs to do their work, and they failed to do even a reasonable job.

My request for continuance now is based on the fact that I was only told 3 weeks ago, that I must go PRO SE. 3 weeks is not enough time to gather evidence and prepare a case. Not for ME, and not even for any professional attorney. Any private practice lawyer I've talked to has said it would take them at least 6 months to gather documentation required to adequately defend me for a FACT FINDING hearing.

Contested sheltercare hearings are one thing. Every lawyer I've talked to has told me that if my son was not returned to me at the contested sheltercare hearing, they would then proceed to prepare for fact finding hearing, and this would be between 6 months to a YEAR to prepare for.

If it would take a "pro" at least several months to prepare for fact finding, why do you assume it would take ME less time?

If I am going to be pushed out into the courtroom to defend myself, without a decent amount of notice, and if this judge is going to hold me to the same "standards" as he does other lawyers, why am I not also allowed the same benefits and respect as other lawyers? If anything, someone forced to go pro se should be given leniency and MORE time to prepare, as they cannot be expected to do things as quickly as someone who is a "pro" would.

I have not been preparing for my own case because I was spending my time writing to Cassell and Wellbaum and trying to get them to even simply answer my emails and keep me abreast of things. I asked to be mailed copies of motions they filed on my behalf and never received them. I even missed court hearings because I wasn't given notice, and evidence in my favor, which I GAVE them, wasn't used when it should have been. There was an unreasonable amount of delay in obtaining my medical records for change of venue as well, and this was NOT my fault. My PDs never once called the clinics to find out why my records and requests were lost FOUR times. Anything that got done, I had to do myself.

So, Ms. Scanlon, please keep in your little mind, the fact that you obviously know nothing about the law, or about rules of procedure, or legal ethics, or anything else in fact, which could qualify you to give an opinion or lecture me about the merits of my request.

This email was copied to all parties and posted on my blog as well.


> Subject: RE: Request For Continuance for Fact Finding
> Date: Thu, 17 Jul 2008 08:00:24 -0700
> From:
> To:
> Cameo,
> It is my understanding that you would have to ask the Judge for a
> continuance. The AAG's represent the State (myself and the Department I
> work for) and do not have the ability to grant your motions.
> If you do have something that is appropriate to discuss with the AAG,
> Ann is available through telephone 509-664-6385 or mail at 18 S Mission,
> Suite 300, Wenatchee 98801.
> Oliver has been in care for 5 1/2 months now and you have been asking
> for continuances at just about every hearing since the first hearing you
> attended by phone. I would suggest you consider that when asking for
> more continuances.
> Have a great day!
> Marie Scanlon
> Social Worker III
> Wenatchee DCFS
> (509) 667-6142
> How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before
> starting to improve the world. - Anne Frank
> -----Original Message-----
> From: cam huegenot []
> Sent: Wednesday, July 16, 2008 11:10 PM
> To: Scanlon, Marie (DSHS/CA)
> Subject: RE: Request For Continuance for Fact Finding
> Well, I need her email address so I can ask for a continuance.
> And I would hope you do not object and that your department acknowledges
> I should have more time to prepare and obtain discovery. It is not fair
> to me to be told, as of 3 weeks ago, that I'm defending and representing
> myself, and also be hung up on by the judge so I'm not even able to
> advocate for myself. Basically, I was deliberately shut out of a
> process and that was NOT a "fair and full hearing". A judge does not
> have the discretion to tell someone, on the spot, that they are, as of
> THAT moment, as of THAT hearing, representing themself. There is such a
> thing as notice, which was not given to me prior to the last hearing.
> Based on the unethical maneuvers of the last hearing, it is clear I will
> not get a fair trial or defense in Washington, which is why I'm now
> getting assistance from federal officials and persons, and I need
> certain diagnostics which are not done in Washington.
> Cameo

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