Friday, July 18, 2008

Letter To The State of Washington About Doing The Right Thing


By the way,

I have not received a copy of the audio from the last hearing. I have a right to know what was discussed and decided after the Judge hung up on me and proceeded with a hearing about my son and my right to parent my son, without me.

Basically, hanging up on me, after telling me I had to be pro se, was a tidy was of making a default decision in favor of the state.

There was no one there to advocate for me or my son, and the state has NEVER been my son's advocates. My son will one day contact these people and let them know exactly what he thinks of what they did to both him and his mother.

I want a copy of the audio record from the last hearing, to be mailed to me immediately. I am getting a post office box address in Washington D.C., where you may mail all discovery and documents until I have a permanent residence address. I will get the P.O. Box address today and let you know what it is by this evening. Please mail any and all discovery to this address, which I will provide.

I am also proceeding with my complaints against the doctors, PDs, Judge Hotchkiss, and working with the ADA and some others to get this done. Also, I am getting medical diagnostics here and filing for disability in a particular state. I am also getting work over here.

This is a permanent relocation and I want my son to be placed here with me. I had to go where I could get medical care and had better contacts, and I have done this with only my son's best interests in mind.

I have met more people with power, money, and resources, (who also happen to have big hearts and are logical thinkers) in the last 3 days, than I did in the last 3 years in Wenatchee. They are giving me their business cards, asking me out, and inviting me to work for their companies, and while this is only a start, it will be a sign of things to come for the State of Washington if this case situation is not remedied appropriately and in favor of both me and my son. This isn't happening because I've known these people for years or because we're related. It's happening because of my own hard work and generally pleasant disposition towards those who are not actively harassing me and my family (my son).

Holly told me yesterday that Oliver is suffering without me and needs to see me. She told me he wasn't "well" and she could tell he wasn't okay without me. I asked why I'm getting these long emails from Marie and the state, then, which claim Oliver is so happy and doing so well without me. Holly said she has repeatedly TOLD Marie that Oliver is damaged by his removal from me, and needs to be with me, and that I am the only one who understands and knows my son and can meet his needs in a way no one else can. She said she has tried to communicate this to the state, to no avail, and even told me Marie supposedly said, to Holly, that she AGREED.

Either Marie and the state like to lie out of both sides of their mouths, or they DO, in fact, KNOW that Oliver needs to be with me and that this removal was wrong, unfounded, and a mistake. If the state knows this, and yet is writing ME letters about how supposedly healthy, happy, and better off my son is NOW, and tries to displace blame for his trauma, weight loss, and unhappiness and depression and anxiety, what does this say? It says to me, that the state is more concerned with justifying their "position" and their actions, than in doing the right thing for my son. The state and its employees have every discretion and ability to make decisions which benefit me and my SON, but instead, they choose the course which is most self-protective. This is SPS, not CPS.

You are employees of Self Protective Services, and have replaced your mission to help children and their families, with protecting your small town friends. Your own head director called me about voluntarily dismissing this case. He wouldn't have done this if he wasn't worried a private attorney would take your organization to task and that this removal was wrong from the outset. You did not exhaust remedies before removing my son. You didn't offer and demand that I go to services or do anything first, as is required. You simply removed my son, taking the most drastic step, out of your hysterical assumptions and under pressure from doctors and medical professionals I plan to sue.

If you were so concerned about Oliver's welfare, you would have asked for his medical records from Canada and from outside of Wenatchee, and you've not even done this. You have only requested Wenatchee's records, and did nothing about obtaining my records prior to Wenatchee screwing things up. You didn't ask for my Ephrata records, or Seattle records, or Canada records. You asked for the same records I told Wenatchee they could be sued for, for making claims I was drug seeking and mentally ill without proof and in contradiction to my Oregon and other medical records.

You need to ask yourselves who you're working for.

I want you to really think about everything that has happened, and consider your own personal fears of being held accountable for what's happened, and think about what I and my aunt Holly have told you, about how Oliver is faring, and for once, THINK about ONE LITTLE BOY.

Did you help Oliver Garrett? Or did the actions taken by CPS harm Oliver Garrett? Has Oliver Garrett suffered from actions by CPS, and has he been traumatized and damaged?

More importantly, thinking about the present, what can you do NOW?

Will your continued plan of action harm Oliver Garrett? Is Oliver Garrett still suffering and is it in his best interests to be reunited with his mother? How can you accomplish this and manage to swallow your own adult pride at the same time?

Perhaps you could think about how you can begin to cooperate with the mother of Oliver Garrett, and stop making unreasonable and discriminatory demands, to bolster a bureaucracy and your social status.

Finally, do you people REALLY want to live in that town?! It's a big world out there, and if you stepped outside of your bubble long enough, you may find there are better career opportunities for you elsewhere. Unless, of course, you just want to rely on someone patting your back in return for favors, even when you know the exchange is and has never been "professional" from the outset. Can you stand on your own two feet? Or do you need your decades-long circle of friends and family to hold you up? Can YOU make it on your own? Can you make new friends and acheive things because of the quality of your work and not the qualifications of your connections?

If you get angry with things I write, why not ask yourselves why? Are your egos so frail that they come before doing what is right for a child, whether you personally like the parent or not?

You keep telling me what I can do for YOU, to make YOU feel better, and help YOU to justify what you've done. What are YOU doing to fix the damage you have done? I have never once, in this entire process, heard anyone admit they made a mistake, or apologize, or take responsibility. The closest anyone came to that was when the director called me and came close to dismissing this whole case "voluntarily". That was the closest to an admission of error that anyone came, and as soon as my private attorney went away, this offer went away with it.

That is an indicator that this case is based on pride.

As for the state and CPS "going along" with the AG, the AG works for CPS, not the other way around. They will do as you think best, so don't feed me the bullshit that you're at the mercy of the AG. Unless, of course, it is really the AG now that is most concerned about justification of what has happened, and avoiding a future lawsuit. There's only one of me, and a whole bunch of YOU. Why don't you try putting your heads together, and doing something you can take pride in, which has nothing to do with your department, but you know is in Oliver's best interest?

You will most likely have to swallow your pride and be willing to admit this is wrong before Oliver is ever able to be happy. I've cooperated from the beginning, but cooperation is a far cry from collusion, and I'm not going to support some of the things you've done by giving it an appearance of decency with my inclusion and agreement.

Cameo Garrett

1 comment:

  1. Interesting, this sounds like you're threatening CPS.
    Do you realize if you would have just sucked it up and done in a large part what CPS asked from the start you would more than likely have your son back by now? You wouldn't have had to ask your family for money for an attorney repeatedly and get turned down, you wouldn't have to relocate and get a job (which you couldn't previously). I'm sure there wouldn't be as much heartache over this that has happened.
    If you would have truely shown you loved your son and not been selfish and try to prove you were right and you knew better than anyone, this whole situation would have turned out totally differnt.
