Saturday, July 19, 2008

An Argument For Atheism


For your part, and I know for my family's part, none of you has cared that Oliver is placed with me again. You, for one, refused to even allow Oliver to have PHOTOS of his own mother for months and when you finally printed one out that you'd had all along, you only put ONE up, and didn't give him the rest. I doubt that photo is even still there. I asked to be kept in touch about what was going on with Oliver and you never did that either. From the start, you wanted to adopt Oliver, and I know Pablo said the same, and you told the state this in the beginning. I have talked to you and Granny and Grandpa and my own parents, and all you ever do is tell me it's better for Oliver to be raised in a "christian" home with two parents, so he doesn't "go to hell". You know nothing about my spiritual beliefs, but judge me and decided that since I now "curse" occasionally (not around Oliver) and don't go to a holy-roller church and speak in tongues, I am not fit to meet his spiritual needs, which supercede everything else. I called granny the other day and she refused to talk about Oliver even when I asked her if she wanted us to be together. All she said was that what was more important is whether I'm going to HEAVEN or HELL. And MY hyper-religious and fundamental relatives refuse to support me until I go to the church they want me to and start displaying "signs" that I am as nutty and whacked as they are. Every single one of you has told me you believe Oliver's spiritual state is the most important thing. My own father didn't support my decision to keep Oliver. He thought that I should give Oliver up for adoptino because I wasn't married and he felt it made me "look bad" to be a single mother and that it wasn't "right" for Oliver.

You people need a major shake-up. My own relatives don't support me, NOT because they don't KNOW I am an excellent provider and mother and that I've done well with others' kids too, but ONLY because I've had FAMILY PROBLEMS with some of you and "insulted" you by saying I would report Loren when he assaulted me, and because I was trying to find out which kids were sexually molested whom the family knows about and would never report (because you believe it is more "christian" to "forgive and pray" for the sexual predator and offender). You don't know how to advocate for Oliver, and his medical needs will never be met by you because you are not only ignorant and have worked too long in a fish hatchery, without anything more to improve your critical thinking skills than a high school diploma, but you are brainwashed by extreme fundamentalism. You don't take Oliver to a doctor I asked you to take him, paid for by ME, for a second opinion, you "pray" for him. Over and over, all you do is "tongues" no less. Which may ease your own mind and pacify you and make you feel good, but which does NOTHING for my son.

As for Marie and what you believe about her and the state, again you assume too much. You have seen the sweet face, just as my own mother did, of Pamela, and my mother was later shocked to discover Pamela had lied to her outright, about me, about a number of things, to try to persuade my own family to take THEIR side and not mine. Their entire objective has been to justify their position, and they're not going to be MEAN to you or let you KNOW they're lying, to do it. Marie had the same "sweet" voice with me when she was telling me to get on a bus last minute wiht no notice, knowing I would miss it because I didn't have enough time to catch it, or to, week after week, get on the bus with zero notice about where I was staying when I got there late at night with not even CPS offices to call afterhours. She told me, for months, that it was all a mistake or delay in paperwork and she didn't know until last minute, and then I found OUT, by getting a copy of the receipts from the hotels, that they had paid for the rooms several days in advance, and this proved they knew all along where I was going and yet refused to tell me.

That is one very small example of the kind of things the state has done. Not to mention they had a choice to put Oliver closer to me and whatcom CPS and every other CPS dept. thought they should, and they did not.

You, like the rest of my relatives, trust persons in positions of "authority" too much. Perhaps this is because you are not very well-educated yourselves and would rather put your faith in other people instead of your own intuition and judgment. Like I said, MY RELATIVES trusted the state MORE than my own judgment when I was being told to take a plea bargain. My relatives wanted me to accept a criminal charge on my record, rather than bail me out of jail and believe me and listen to what I was saying.

The state is not the only party which has been puffed up by self-interest. My own relatives have been the same way, for different reasons. WHich is why I wanted nothing to do with any of you and was more than comfortable leaving the country for Canada.

I have friends whom I've been in good contact with for decades, and yet my own family has been nothing more than a manipulative bunch of bees in a hornets' nest. I've seen how people do whatever Grandpa wants, bringing up the inheritance money in the same sentence, and when grandpa decided he didn't like me, after his favorite son assaulted me and I said if it happened again I"d go to the police, the rest of the family fell in line with what they thought would make grandpa happy.

I had one of Locklyn's kids SPIT on me and I didn't report it and did nothing back, and I had another of her kids physically push me several times, right in front of Locklyn, and I didn't react. Locklyn was standing right there and defended them becuase they were HER kids. Then there's Loren, whom almost everyone in Wenatchee knows about and doesn't like, and Loren started the whole thing with claiming I had done soemthing to Granny. Granny didn't say that, Loren did, and he manipulates Granny all the time. He is not only trustee of their estate, and a spoiled brat, he has some serious issues. I remember him wailing on Brandon when Brandon was little, for every single little thing and look where Brandon is now...working as a cashier. They pushed Danielle to be a beauty pageant model as a little girl and look at Danielle now--she refuses to wear anything besides sloppy oversized overalls, big farmer T-shirts, and no make-up. She went the exact opposite direction and no one has ever seen her in a dress. But THEY applied to be foster parents, licensed ones, and I know they are only doing it for the money bc Pat stays home anyway with her disability. And then I get the most harassing comments from THEM on my blog and I've decided I'm just not even going to publish them anymore. Loren needs to take care of his inferiority complex and stop centering his life on his parents and lining things up for their eventual passing away. He doesn't even TRY to improve his circumstances, and at any time, could go back to college and get a degree in science or something he's talented in, and get a better job. Instead, he just sits around working menial jobs, causing problems for people he doesn't like, stirring up controversy on school boards, and waiting around for the cash flow from inheritance.

All of you "girls" do whatever Grandpa says too, and fall in line as needed. Probably because your backsides were beat raw if you didn't do this as a kid. And I know, because I still remember Grandpa beating me when I was about 6 years old. I have never forgotten and Granny remembers (or used to remember) too. He beat the living daylights out of me.

But you're the hero christians I'm supposed to emulate. You're not practical christians, you're theoretical christians. You don't put your faith into action, you simply decide your faith is enough. You don't use the hands God gave you to make a difference and apply bandages to the wound, you smack those 2 hands together and "pray" with them, letting time pass, and not caring what happens, believing whatever does happen, with your total lack of action, is "god's will". Any fluke or injustice MUST BE "god's will".

Then you criticise me. Your hearts are warped and your hands are slack, and your judgements are hypocritical and self-righteous. You have a big problem with my swearing, but have no issues with watching me be assaulted and you defend this. You have never been able to control your OCD and cleaning issues, which the whole family knows about and which I personally know takes time away from supervising Oliver appropriately and helping him to not feel lonely, and yet you claim I have the issues. What about Locklyn's full-blown mania or shopping addiction besides? Sorry, but no one in the legal community, or Wenatchee, or even our whole family, would have guessed Locklyn had an entire ROOM full of clothing and items with the sales tags still on them, dating back 1-2 years, tucked out of sight upstairs. Did you hear about that? Alita brought everything out and I personally saw the pile. Locklyn would just go "shopping" on her lunch breaks, I guess to relieve stress, and never even give people the items, or wear them herself. She was shopping for shopping's sake. The pile of these clothes was about 4 feet high and the width of a small room, like a courthouse bathroom. But I'M the one with issues. Granny has full blown Alzheimers, and Dr. Freed told me this BEFORE she ever started hitting me and I was then accused of being the one to hit HER, and NO ONE in the family recognizes this, or tries to get help for her through medications which could slow the process. Grandpa is such a good christian, he brags about eluding justice before more than one judge, and the IRS besides. Which is probably where my mother got HER wonderful "work ethic", stashing cash all over the place and hiring lawyers to clean up tax records; telling ME, when I was still a teenager but had moved out of the house, NOT to claim myself as "independant" because SHE wanted to still claim ME as their "dependant". My own mother cared more about HER tax breaks than about the tax breaks which could help her daughter who was out on her own for the first couple years of her life. I refused, pointing out I was NOT legally still a "dependent" and my mother had a FIT.

You don't deserve Oliver. None of you should have ever kids to propogate the Baird clan to begin with.

I've asked for help from all of you for the last time, and at this point, given the facts, that with family like this, "who needs enemies?!" I am not holding back about what crap all of you have put me through and why Oliver should NOT be placed with you, especially NOT in an adoption.

And if for some reason, you temporarily get custody, you won't have Oliver forever. I will get him back, and when I do, Oliver is not going to have anything to do with this nuthouse, and will be supported by the family I create for myself, which consists of good friends.

I have known, and my friends questioned from the beginning, what your intentions have been and were, and you did things purposefully, to try to break the bond between me and Oliver, not keep it together.

You know what's interesting...I wonder if Grandpa has any concern that what Oliver and I were going through, at that house, has anything to do with something HE could be liable for. I know they used pesticides which were outlawed. I know the water was contaminated and that while they encouraged their workers to drink it, none of the Bairds would. They brought in distilled and filtered water. I also know that there was a huge bag of pesticides in the basement crawlspace of the house and it was opened and shoved under the floorboards and I didn't want to touch it. I know Pat sprayed right next to the house when we were there. We walked through that grass in the orchard all the time. That certaintly wouldn't explain what was going on with the computers and my son's battery operated toys, but maybe there was more than one thing going on. My computer, christmas lights, and space heater all started to melt (literally) and I had to throw them out, right around christmas. They were all up against the same wall of the house and I still don't know what would cause that. Andy Panda says it had to be an electromagnetic field or radiation. But perhaps Grandpa has been worried something would trace back to them...Maybe this is why Grandpa is so against my having a private attorney.

I am in Washington D.C. and I've already talked to some radiation experts and people who do biological dosimetry. They feel I should be examined for both radiation and electromagnetic exposures. I am meeting a high end military research scientist next week, whom I just found out, passed on his name just yesterday to have me call.

My private attorneys said that BEFORE anyone tried to evaluate my mental health, I needed to have these other things ruled IN or ruled OUT. And that's exactly what I am doing. I have the right to discovery and to collect documentation and evidence for my DEFENSE, and I have people here who are willing to help me, who deal directly with things I and my son have been through, who BELIEVE me. These people are the experts, not some lowly Wenatchee PD or judge, or state employee that's never heard of such a thing, and not the AG either.

I didn't "imagine" I was damaged in childbirth. I didn't and don't "imagine" I have had migraines for over 10 years. And I did NOT "imagine" things were happening to me and Oliver which weren't happening. It happened. And I will be DAMNED if someone takes MY SON away without giving me the opportunity to PROVE I AM RIGHT.

When I get Oliver back, I doubt you'd travel any distance to continue to visit him. Would YOU drive 4 hours each week, twice a week? I highly doubt it. But you will have the opportunity to be gently eased out of my son's life, to minimize HIS trauma, and I will introduce him once again, to normal people and activities you've neglected. Once I get Oliver back, and he is fine after the transition, it will OVER MY DEAD BODY that any of you have anything to do with him and I will cite the physical and mental abuse I was subjected to myself, much I which I've not even brought up yet, as justification for keeping him away from you.

I guess you could say this is an angry email. Am I pissed? Yes, and I have every right to be pissed. And I don't give a fuck if my new acquisition of more colorful language doesn't meet with your approval. You try having someone take your son away, when they don't have the facts and when you know your son needs you and that you're an excellent parent. You have someone deny you full and fair hearings and REASONABLE representation. After YOU have been through what I've been through, I'll let you take the stand and say why you think my reactions are not commensurate with the traumatic experiences I've been put through.

My son and I were harmed and damaged, and no one listened. You, for one HOlly, even with your OCD, didn't even want to help me clean up my house when I was so ill and CPS was coming out to have a look. I called you and you told me you did not want to help me. I called and begged, because no one else could because they were working. You refused. But you had no problem taking my son.

You should be very proud of yourself, and of the "God" you claim LIVES in you. My God, if that is the truth, then God really IS "dead". I am debating about whether to put this up on my blog. In some ways, although I do believe in God and even consider myself to be a christian, and while I even prayed with my son, the kind of crap you sort of people throw into the world makes an excellent argument for atheism.



Subject: Re: Losing Oliver
Date: Fri, 18 Jul 2008 18:26:04 -0400


Thanks for your reply. I honestly don't know what to answer you. I am taking the best care of Oliver I can, together with Pablo, and with help from our kids when they are here. We care about what is best for Oliver, and you too. I guess I would say that you feel very strongly about what you are doing, but I still question whether or not you have all the facts and are doing the right thing. I still do believe what Marie says, when she tells me that she believes a child's place is with their birth parent, and would really like to see Oliver and you reunited. You asked me on the phone if I had spoken with Marie and I told you that yes, I had. I called her after I had spoken with you on the phone the other day. I told her what I had told you and wanted them to be aware of what I had said, not knowing if it was agreeable with CPS or not. Marie told me that what I had done was fine and understandable, and that yes, she too still wishes to be able to get you and Oliver back together. She explained a little about checks and balances in the legal system, which I don't remember all of. You also asked me what had happened at the Court hearing you didn't attend, and I told you that according to what Marie told me, the only things I knew to have taken place were that the Fact Finding hearing was set for July 23 (I believe is the date) and that visitation was suspended by the Court until you were to bring the matter up before the Court again, since you had not been attending visitation.

You are very much against returning to Wenatchee and feel the medical professionals in this area will try to sabatoge anything you do within this state as far as medical help for yourself. I can't reply to that because I have not had your experiences. And I have not heard from any medical professionals, what their side is to any accusations, nor do I expect to. I guess that is something between you and them.

Am I naive to believe CPS and what they tell me? You seem to think so, but that's how I am. I tend to look at what a person says and how they behave, and as I have told you in the past, I believe Marie. I see in Marie Scanlon a very caring, sincere individual, someone who is truly only trying to make certain that if Oliver goes back to you, he will be properly cared for.

I don't know what other attorneys have advised you and I don't know from any first hand experience how your public defenders treated you. I have not been personally present in court to hear any of the proceedings, but only have second hand information, from both you and CPS. Possibly, I should attend some Court hearings in order to have first hand information.

As I have said before, you are an adult and capable of making your own decisions. I guess you have your mind made up as to what you plan to do, and though I have attempted to try to make you see things from a different perspective, I guess I have failed. So I don't see any sense in trying to do that anymore.

As for me, I intend to continue to take the best possible care of Oliver while he is with us, so you don't have to worry about that. I guess God only knows what the future will bring.



-----Original Message-----
From: cam huegenot
Cc:; Michelle K. (DSHS/CA) Erickson ;;;;
Sent: Fri, 18 Jul 2008 1:23 pm
Subject: RE: Losing Oliver


I am advocating for my son and his best interests.

My parents and family thought it was a good idea to take a guilty plea to
"assault" because they were worried about the threats and warnings from the
state that I could end up in jail for a year after losing a trial. My family
wanted the short term fix, not thinking how a criminal record would affect the
rest of my life and have serious future implications. I was the one who was
right about which course of action was best--not the state, not my public
"defenders", and not my family.

In the same way, my family now thinks I should move back to Wenatchee as the
state tells them I should, and that I'll just get Oliver back this way. Another
short term fix with serious future implications, and I know this.

I cannot get medical area, not just in Wenatchee, but the entire state. Why
would anything be different in Ellensburg or M.L., when Wenatchee medical
professionals contacted my Ephrata and Seattle doctors and tried to influence
and damage my doctor-patient relationship there? They also went to my health
insurance company, and I was told the entire "board" had been "alerted" to me,
because of a Wenatchee doctor. You think it will be any different in Moses

Based on the way the state has already acted, they will not act in good faith.
The people I've reported for wrongdoing only want a professional to stamp a
mental illness diagnosis on my chart, to discredit me. They've already
discredited me, but they still don't have a professional opinion or evaluation
to back them up. This is what they want, and going back to that rats nest will
ensure they get this, and it will damage my future and not MY future but my
ability to advocate for OLIVER. How do you think I would get anyone to ever
listen to me, in a medical malpractice claim or anything else, if I have someone
diagnosing me with a mental disorder?

The state has already proven they don't care about the truth and they have not
played fair. They've done whatever it takes, contrary to Oliver's best
interests, to get THEIR way and to try to justify their own positions.

If I went back to Wenatchee, time would pass, and I would be trapped, unable to
get objective evaluations and the statute to file a malpractice lawsuit would
expire. I have P.I. lawyers NOW who want to at least file on MY behalf to then
prove my son was also likely affected. If I waste time in Wenatchee, this won't
get done.

Also, the private practice attorneys thought I had grounds to get Oliver back
IMMEDATIATELY but not without their help. Before I was ever apart from Oliver,
they believed I would likely LOSE Oliver unless a private attorney was hired,
because of the bad rap and politics that were coming into play.

Just this morning, I met someone who works on a political candidates campaign
and he wants to help. I hapepned to look up his name and he's a major investor
even though I never would have guessed. He contributed $25,000 to a party just
this year. I am meeting lobbyists, lawyers, military people, doctors and
scientiosts and research scientists, ADA people, and government employees HERE
whom I'd never have access to in Wenatchee. There are people and organizations
HERE that can help me.

If I lose Oliver, it won't be forever. I will get the money and power I need to
get him back, through a lawsuit against the state. I have plenty of grounds for
one. I've been discriminated against, refused counsel, refused time to even
prepare as a pro se person and I've had my medical privacy rights violated.

The state wants me back in Wenatchee to go along with them, and line things up
they WANT, so they don't have to worry about being sued later. It would also be
a favor to the medical professionals to lose and waste time THERE and miss out
on filing a medical malpractice lawsuit.

The state refused to give me MORE visitation time with Oliver when I asked for
it and was able to travel because I usually got 2 seats side by side on the bus
so I could lie down. When the bus got crowded and I couldn't lie down, I
notified them that my symptoms prevented me from this travel.

I didn't come to D.C. by bus. I came on a truck, lying on a bed much of the
time, or able to sit to the side. Then I took a bus for a short time, and there
were 2 seats available side by side to enable this.

Oliver loves me and needs me now. It is not MY CHOICE that he was removed from
me. It was not my choice that I have medical issues and couldn't travel to
Wenatchee when I fought for his rights, desperately, to be moved next to me so
we could see eachother. Even Whatcom county CPS questioned why Wenatchee CPS
had their tentacles on this case and couldn't let it go, in Oliver and my best

I am the only one who has strenuously advocated for Oliver. I have fought for
him like no one else. Which is why I went to Canada. Which is why I fought for
change of venue. Why I fought for more frequetnt visitation. Why I came to
D.C. Why I walked all day yesterday, meeting people who might be able to help
Oliver. Why i talked to my congressman.

It may take 3 years to get Oliver back at this point. But this is NOT my
choice. This is CPS and the state's choice. This is the same CPS and state
that didn't want to allow me to get medical care in Seattle, outside of
Wenatchee and which still owes me about $1,000 for transportation reimbursement.
They also lost a fair hearing when I reported them for discriminating against
me. You don't think they have their own agendas?

Unfortunatley for Oliver, they put this before him and his needs. They still
do, and they've lied to my family, just as the state lied to my family and me
trying to persuade me that I would go to jail if I didn't take a plea bargain.
What the state knows, NOW, is that I CAN come back and sue them, and sue state
employees, and get Oliver back, even years from now. It will take more money
and be more expensive then, but all I need is money and a good private attorney.

You don't think Oliver is going to come back to me, of his own will, as an angry
and troubled teen, even if I don't get him back sooner? You don't think he'll
be asking some questions, like, why didn't his relatives help his mother so he
could be with his mother sooner, when they heard from private attorneys
themselves, that it was going to TAKE a private attorney?

I know, and God knows, what my parents promised. It is THEIR choice to go back
on their word, not mine. I cannot control the past and present and what CPS
does is beyond my control. But as a mother, I have to fight for Oliver and
think of the best possible strategy for getting him which will be the best LONG
TERM solution and not just short term fix. I have to be aware of the
consequences of a short term fix and be willing to postpone gratification for
what is ultimately in my son's best interests and future interests.

If you and my parents don't want Oliver to go through another "separation" after
he's been apart from me for so long, I would suggest rethinking the back-out on
their promise to help financially. If they choose not to help, as they're doing
now, which has already had disastrous consequences, it is NOT within my control.

Oliver is going to see all of my emails and attempts to get support and he will
know NO ONE loved him and loves him more, or FOUGHT for his rights more. He
will question the public defenders, and the state, and his own relatives.

One thing I know, my son's love for me will never be replaced and cannot be
filled by someone else. I am as sure of his love for me as he can be, and will
affirm in the future, of my love for him. He will know no one else was willing
to go the distance, literally and figurately, to have his needs met. No one
else has gone to P.I. lawyers, or consulted speech therapists, on his behalf.
No one has advocated for my son like I have.

I cannot even fight for him and file a medical malpractice suit on his behalf
now. But I can file one on behalf of myself and get the ball rolling, and then
use it to prove my own damages and discrimination in this case, and to point out
my son has also suffered.

If the state wants to feel comfortable nothing will ever come back to haunt
them, that's their right. They don't care now. They have already forgotten
about Oliver. The only time they will care, is if they are pushed into the
spotlight and held accountable and the only way this will happen is if I make
connections that cannot be made in Wenatchee.

The state has made many mistakes and they know it. Getting me back to Wenatchee
is just a way to control me and what happens next and try to minimize their own
potential liabilities and damages. If they ever cared, they would have had
Oliver living next to me so we could continue vistitation. But they had to have
it THEIR way, with their own judge who has obviously proven he is prejudiced and
cannot be impartial.

THEY still have choices. In fact, it is the state and these employees who are
controlling this entire process. They started it, iniated it, and made their
choices. I have had to REACT to what they do. It isn't my choice to be in this
position, or even in DC, but they forced it. While I have to base my strategies
and plan of action on what THEY do, they are ultimately the ones who have
bullied their way and taken control, taking advantage of the fact I do not have
a private attorney helping me. They are STILL able to make choices which either
harm or help Oliver. I asked for a continuation, for example, and THEY know,
the AG knows, that I should have more time. They are also aware of my claims of
disability and have no EVIDENCE that I do NOT have any physical disabilities.
They are making choices.

Instead of blaming me and accusing me of being responsible and thinking I'm the
one who holds the magic wand, you should be looking to the state. You guys
thought I should take that plea bargain or that I'd end up in jail, remember?

What the truth is, which I KNEW, was that I was innocent.

I am innocent here as well, and I'm not going to be bullied into a bad position
when they've already shown bad faith and discriminated agasint me. I am
innocent, and I know that while the state THREATENS me with the permanent
removal of my son, I know going back to Wenatchee is as bad of an idea as taking
a guilty plea. They know, as well as me, that if I gain ground somewhere else,
after what they've done, that I can still get Oliver back in the future, and
that they could be sued and have to go through a major legal hassle they could
have avoided.

> To:
> Subject: Re: Losing Oliver
> Date: Fri, 18 Jul 2008 12:01:57 -0400
> From:
> CC:
> Cameo:
> I have written to you and tried to tell you that I believe, from all I have
heard,if you do not come back to Washington and cooperate with the legal system
and CPS, you will most likely lose Oliver. I talked with you on the phone
yesterday and asked you, please, to come back here and work with the Court and
CPS in order to regain custody of Oliver. I told you I believe Oliver (and
children in general) have no one like their birth mother's who can care for them
and meet their needs. I told you Marie feels the same way, and wants you to be
reunited with Oliver. I told you Oliver needs you, not just to hear your voice,
but to see and feel you. But I also told you this is now in the courts, and in
order for you to have a chance at getting Oliver back, you will have to work
within the legal system. I asked you please to return to this area and pick up
visitation with Oliver and work with the Court and CPS, being present for
hearings and for Oliver. Your congressman failed to tell you that you still
have this option, and only if you insist on fighting the State and staying away
do you run the risk of losing Oliver. You told me you called granny and grandpa
the evening of the 16th, requesting financial help to obtain an attorney and
that grandpa has basically "washed his hands" of you and will not help. I said
that it is not granny and grandpa, or our's or anyone else's responsibility to
pay for this, but that you are an adult and this is your responsibility. I said
you have acted irrationally in the past, and because of that you find yourself
in the predicament you are in, whether just or unjust. If you would only return
and have a physcial and mental evaluation to prove to the State you are sane and
capable of taking care of Oliver, you would be on the road to getting him back.
Do you realize if you ask for a continuance of 6 months or so, as it sounds like
you want to do, Oliver will have been with us for approximately one year's time.
Do you not think that it will be super difficult for him to have that type of a
separation again.
> As to your blog, I did not say Oliver was suffering without you, but did tell
you he needs you and misses you and needs to more than hear your voice, he needs
you. When you told me you believe the State and the Court are trying to have
you committed and take your son away, I told you I do not believe that. I said
I believe that they are just trying to make sure you are capable of taking care
of Oliver. You asked me if I believed you had physcial damage and are in pain,
and I told you I really don't know, but that if you are, there are other places
you can live since you are so dead set against Wenatchee and feel you have been
prejudiced against here. I even mentioned Ellensburg, which is only an hour
away, at most, and is a college town. I'm not suggesting you'd have to live
there, but you could stay there until this case is settled, and then move on to
where ever it is you want to settle down (or in Waterville, or Chelan, or Moses
Lake, or Ephrate, or any number of other outlying areas).
> I'm asking again that you please do not settle down somewhere so distant from
here. Oliver needs your presence, not just your voice. I know children adapt
and Oliver would be able to adapt without you, but I don't think you or I want
him to be able to "adapt". We want what's best for Oliver. I know you think
you are doing that, I know you truly do. But it's going to backfire on you if
you stay away and you'll end up losing your son. Please Cameo, come back here
to the general area at least.
> Sincerely,
> Holly
> -----Original Message-----
> From: cam huegenot
> To:;
> Cc: Jeanne Wellbaum ; Michelle K. (DSHS/CA) Erickson ;;;;
> Sent: Fri, 18 Jul 2008 6:57 am
> Subject: Losing Oliver
> I spoke with my congressman for the state of Washington yesterday, about my
case, and the discrimination I've received on account of disability.
> He told me the only solution was to hire a private attorney. I told him I
couldn't afford one. He said he didn't know of anyone who could help me, and
that it was likely I was going to lose my son if I didn't have a private
attorney. I told him that even the private attorneys said they'd have to fight
to get my son back with me, and that it would cost money. I told him I knew I
needed a private attorney, but no one was helping me.
> This congressman that I spoke to, said it was unfortunate, but not unlikely
that I was going to lose my son. He said even though it wasn't just or right,
he has seen it happen before, and he said it was likely to happen in my case
unless I had private representation. I asked him how this was legal or ethical
and he said it wasn't "just" and wasn't "right" or "fair", but said that without
money to pay for a private attorney, given the details of my case, I was
probably going to lose Oliver.
> He had no other suggestions. He simply said I would probably lose Oliver
without a private attorney.
> And that is exactly what the private attorneys all told me.
> But YOU guys thought I could go along with a public defender, and it was a
disaster, and they didn't do SQUAT, and NOW you think I can get Oliver back by
representing MYSELF? this judge is forcing me to go pro se and represent
myself. He told me I had to do this just 3 weeks ago and I haven't been
preparing for my case. I never had a chance, because I was having to follow up
on lousy PDs.
> You promised me that if anyone ever took Oliver from me, you would pay for a
private attorney. I want to know if you are comfortable watching Oliver lose
his mother because you went back on your word.
> Cameo


  1. Cameo,

    Please contact CC Tillett/Vice-President/Family Advocate/Washington Families United.Our Web site is currently down and under modifications.

    We maybe able to advise and help you with these issues.

    We have an advocate located in Spokane, which is close to where you might be or where your case is located.

    For confidentiality purposes, until we can actually speak, please contact me at this address.


    CC Tillett
    Washington Families United
    Familiy Advocate

  2. Cameo,

    Please contact CC Tillett/Washington Families United/Vice-President/Family Advocate. We maybe able to help and advise you with your issues.

    Our web site is currwently down for modifications.

    For confidentiality issues please contact me at this address:

    We have an advocate located in Spokane, which is closer to your location or your case location.


    CC Tillett
    Washington Families United
    Family Advocate

  3. Dear CC,

    Thank you so much. I will contact you today. I just wanted to acknowledge your comment here first.

    I hope someone can help me and my son. Thanks again for your interest and concern.


  4. Cameo,

    I have received your message. I am looking forward to sharing information.

    Could you please tell me a time?

    I need to run a few errands and it is now 3:41 pm.

    We could hook up about 7 pm on yahoo and then we can speak by phone..CC Tillett

  5. Hi CC,

    It's now 6:54 p.m. EST. I'm on the East Coast, near Washington D.C., Maryland. My case is in Washington state (Wenatchee). I came out here recently to try to find better help.

    I want to talk to you ASAP but I think my roommate has plans for this evening. Your 7 p.m. will be my 10 p.m. I would just as soon stay in, but I'm a guest and don't want to be rude. I will be up early tomorrow morning. Because I'm 3 hours ahead, however early you want to meet up would be fine with me.

  6. Okay, my roommate just came in and I have to get ready bc we're going out shortly. I won't be able to check this until tomorrow morning. But I'm really looking forward to speaking with you.



  7. Cameo,

    Have fun for the rest of your day.

    If you could leave me a message at yahoo..I could leave my phone numer for you there.

    How does that sound?

    That way we can communicate directly..

    CC Tillett

  8. Cameo, The east coast is great and understand time changes all to well..Beijing is a 15 hour time that 4 times a month and you never know what the heck time your on!!

    Ok call me as soon as you get up..
    I will check yahoo for a message from you and give you my number then..CC Tillett

  9. Cameo,

    I just checked my yahoo account..nothing from you today..argh..

    Tomorrow..I must be in court at 9am.

    Please leave me a message at I can leave you my #.

    I must depart early Tuesday morn. for Beijing..I will not be home until friday sometime..I commute from Seattle to San Francisco..

    I hate to leave you without some kind of help or information..

    This is just so you know what is going on..


    CC Tillett

  10. Hi CC,

    I sent you an email yesterday and I hope you got it. I had problems receiving mail yesterday. I was sending email to that account and none of the mail came through and still isn't there as of this morning. So I don't know whether my outgoing mail is really getting out either.

    I checked for a note from you last night and this morning, with a phone number. I'm really sorry I've missed you before Bejiing. My hearing is the 23rd and I have no help and the state is even saying I shouldn't have a continuance for fact finding, when it's a major hearing that will affect my future and even livlihood, because if I'm found "guilty" I could never be a licensed childcare provider. Most of my past work has been in childcare and I've good references. That's in addition to the consequences regarding my son.

    I was given only 3-4 weeks notice I had to be pro se, and I'm not capable of being pro se right now and making my own defense, as I've too many medical things going on and don't have time or energy or health enough to prepare. I've been pro se before, but I'm not in a position to be now. I requested representation, and I should not be punished when the state represetnation doesn't even meet reasonable standards.

    I don't have discovery from the state, or for my case, or anything, and there are things I need to prove my defense.

    My friend tells me I need to appeal to the State court of Washington but I'm too tired to even find out what statutes are for appeals. He thinks that even though it's clear I should have continuance, the way they've already been unethical and violated normal rules of procedure indicates this judge and the state will attempt to win without playing fair at all. He does not believe they will do the right thing and thinks I'll have to get a lawyer for a Supreme court appeal.

    So you can still help me, even if you're not getting back until Friday.

    I hope you have fun, and be safe!

