Saturday, July 19, 2008

TTSOML #52 (?): Taking Photos Of The Shack With Gatti's Assistant

I can't remember if I left #52 but I'm going forward with the information about what happened in Dan Gatti's office.

Gatti said he was taking my case. I should back up a little bit, because although I've mentioned he introduced me to his partner, Greg Smith, and had lunch with the lawyer for Mt. Angel Abbey, Dick Whittemore, BEFORE this, he introduced me to his assistant, a law student (whose name I'll recall at a later date and enter here). Dan said he wanted photos of the "chapel in the woods", which I had told him turned out to be a run-down shack with no religious mementos of any kind inside.

I had already been given citations, at the Abbey's bidding to officers who went to their church, for things I hadn't done. And, as I've already mentioned, after being assaulted by a priest with a water stick (the "holy sprinkling" incident), they had asked me not to return. I did not return. However, Dan Gatti asked me to show his assistant how to locate the shack for documentation for my case.

I was driven to Mt. Angel by Dan's assistant. I want to say his name was Ryan. On the public road outside of Abbey property, I pointed to the part of the woods where he could enter and find the shack. He first went in and came back out, saying he couldn't find it. I gave more explicit directions and he tried again, and after at least a half hour to an hour, came back with the photos, which he showed me when he got back into the car. I asked if I could have copies of these photos and he said yes.

We drove back to Gatti's office and Ryan told him we got the photos, and also told Dan where it was on the property and how far away from the main buildings. Dan told me he would put the photos onto a CD for me and was going to include this evidence into my file for my case.

Then, I guess, he set up an appointment to meet with the Abbey's primary or head attorney, who was Dick Whittemore, for the law firm Bullivant Houser Bailey.

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