Monday, July 21, 2008

The Agenda Of Mary Ann McIntosh, AG in Wenatchee

Please forward to Ann McIntosh, who still has not given me her email address:

If you go forward with fact finding, I will appeal to State Supreme Court.

You have given me enough notice of this hearing, nor was I given sufficient notice I was to be "pro se" in the LAST hearing.
I have a right to collect evidence for my defense against your fact finding claims, and I don't have this yet. I also have a right to have seen all of your discovery prior to fact finding, and to a copy of the audio for the last hearing.

It is not in the best interest of my son to have his mother found guilty of crimes against her son that SHE DID NOT commit and is innocent of. Your department was wrong to take my son, and did not have sufficient grounds. You have proven, by refusing me reasonable counsel, accomodation for disability, and visitation, as well as continuance, that you are self-interested and do not care about my son's interests. If I am NOT guilty of your charges, and can PROVE this, I have a legal right to continuance in order to collect evidence to support my case. If I am not guilty, then my son should be returned to me without delay, and this is the most expedient way for his damages in separation from me, to be remedied.

All you want is a stamp of approval on the action you took, which was unmerited. My son is and was never abused, neglected, OR at risk of harm while in my care.

The fact that you don't want to allow me time to get documentation to prove this, shows you don't care about my son. If you wanted my son to be back with me, you would allow a continuance to prove my claim and make my defense.

Because you DON"T want my son to be with me, this is why you choose to move forward, to attempt to find me guilty, have my son's guardianship permanently removed from me, and to set him up for adoption. You feel it's better he be adopted out as quickly as possible, and not allowing me time to make my defense is the easiest way to do this.

You have been arbitrarily prejudiced against me from Day One and still, to date, have not given me any notice as to what happened in the last hearing.

I spoke with the AG Ann McIntosh today and she was curt and rude, and basically said she didn't care whether I was physically disabled or not, and said she was going to claim I had abandoned my son. I never abandoned him. I had to move to get the discovery and evidence I need to make my defense. I also went to every single visitation with my son until the buses were too crowded to allow me to lie on my side, against two seats. When I developed severe pain and other worsening symptoms, I asked for a change of venue, and gave my own PD a note from my doctor, which asks for change of venue so I don't have to travel due to my disabilities from childbirth. My PD never used that note and the Judge said he never saw it. I told my PD besides that the doctor said he could write a better letter and notorize it, if my PD contacted him. My PD never contacted him. I couldn't travel because of my injuries and I missed out on visitation with my son because of the STATE, and discrimination, NOT because I "abandoned" my son. I have countless emails which show how many times I requested MORE visitation time wiht my son, when I was able to travel and the buses weren't packed. I asked for MORE time, and the state refused THIS, claiming it was too inconvient for them to organize.

The state put their own interests, Wenatchee put their own interests, in wanting to have things THEIR way and railroad me in a Wenatchee court system, rather than heed rules and laws for accomodation for disablity, and preserve the right of my son to see his mother, whom my aunt TOLD the state he missed and needed.

I have never abandoned my son, but now the state wants to claim this, to avoid responsibility for FAILING my son.

After 2 months of not seeing my son, after repeated requests for visitation and for transfer of my son so I could see him, I left to get evaluations and medical care that I need, for my case. This is not abandonment. This is called being a proactive mother who cares what happens to her son and that it will take longer for him to be placed with her again if the state wins a fact finding hearing.

I can only get certain diagnostics IN this area, in Maryland, which is why I came here. It cannot be done anywhere else.

Your refusal to allow continuance, after everything you've already done, proves you are setting my son up to be adopted out, and have no interest in not just his rights to visitation with me, but in his right to be with his mother.

Is it so bad to be wrong?

It must be, to do this to a baby. None of you should keep your jobs. You are unable to put a child first and attempt to bully and coerce a parent to your agenda, which is clearly self-protective.

You also didn't bother to get my diagnostics from Seattle, which prove I have a broken tailbone and fractured pelvis. Neither did you both to get my and my son's records from Canada, and I've told you several times you need to get these. Why is it that you don't want any medical records outside of Wenatchee records?



Subject: RE: Letter For Mary Ann McIntosh
Date: Mon, 21 Jul 2008 08:59:43 -0700

Ms. Garrett,

Please be advised that I have forwarded your email to Ms. McIntosh and she will respond to you at the mailing address you have provided.

The Department does not agree to a continuance of this matter in court and will press to go forward with the dependency fact finding hearing this Wednesday.

Please also be advised that Mr. Caballero has blocked your email address and he is no longer working Dependency cases. It does no good for you to continue addressing him in your emails as he will not receive them.

I will send as much of your discovery as I am able this week, however Ms. Scanlon is out of the office this week. She handles the court work part of your case therefore some of it may not be sent until next Monday, July 28, 2008 when she returns. The Department does not generally keep court transcripts in client files. There are no court transcripts in your file, therefore none will be provided to you in your discovery. You will have to contact the Douglas County Court Clerk to request court transcripts.

Thank you for your time and take care!

Michelle Erickson, MSW

Social Worker III

Division of Children and Family Services


Phone: (509) 667-6118

Fax: (509) 664-6358


From: cam huegenot []
Sent: Monday, July 21, 2008 7:46 AM
To: Jeanne Wellbaum;; Erickson, Michelle K. (DSHS/CA);;; Scanlon, Marie (DSHS/CA); Caballero, Tomas (ATG)
Subject: Letter For Mary Ann McIntosh
Importance: High

For Mary Ann McIntosh,

I do not have a landline phone to use. At all. All I have is a cell phone and I cannot afford the minutes. I can barely afford to call my son everyday, and the state and CPS have done nothing to facilitate this form of visitation. I also do not have the ability to write to you by regular mail as there is no printer, and handwritten notes are not okay for legal documentation which I would have to copy to everyone. It would take too long besides.

I have asked for a continuance, because I've not obtained evidence yet which is crucial to my defense, and because I had to relocate to access these services. I'm also having severe physical problems which need attention and I cannot get medical care in Wenatchee or the Washington area. I'm not having my periods at all, and while this is normal for 1-2 months, under stress, it is NOT normal to persist for 8 months, and to get worse with passing time. There are phsyical damages to my body which need attention and I don't have the legal resources to access law books and write my own motions in proper form. Besides which, the state has already been forced to acknowledge THEY believe I have at least a mild form of PTSD. I have documentation to prove the AG's office, which represnted the state in the Fair Hearing, has knowledge of probably mild PTSD and if you continue to discriminate against me and refuse accomodations for at least disabilities which YOU have claimed to have knowledge of, you will be in a poor position to claim you are acting in the best interests of the mother and son and that you care about reunification or respect our rights to visitation, services, and to be a family.

You must allow time for me to collect evidence, just as any lawyer would do and ask of you.

You must also take into consideration that I am indigent and cannot afford certain resources, which is why I requested reasonable public defense. The key word is reasonable.

It seems to me that you are attempting to avoid giving out your email address so there can be no possible written record of my attempt to communicate with you and ask for cooperation. If you cared about the interests of my son, you would make the necessary accomodations to facilitate communication, and not put up obstacles.

It seems I will have to appeal the actions of this department. I am copying all of these parties so it cannot be claimed no one knew what was going on, and what my attempts were to communicate with you and the court. Any one of you, especially Tomas Caballero, can easily forward these emails onto you, and if he refuses to do so, knowing my circumstances, I can prove accomodations were never made on my behalf.

Cameo Garrett

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