Monday, July 21, 2008

Judge Hotchkiss Refuses To Allow Phone Visitation

In the last hearing, Judge Hotchkiss told me I was "pro se", on the spot, with no prior notice to that day. I had sent emails for several days, to Paul Cassel, former PD, asking for new counsel or at least what the status was, and no PD responded. I therefore had absolutely zero notice, prior to that morning, that I was going to be asked to proceed on my own. Without notice, I had not made any preparations to defend myself, or filed anything which would support my defense.

Judge Hotchkiss then hung up on me when I tried to object and insist on having legal counsel. After he hung up on me, I called back to see if I could be readmitted to the process, and he refused. I was told they were going to proceed with the entire hearing without me.

I had no one defending me. I basically lost the last hearing on default. I then found out they scheduled fact finding for only one month later. I've received NO audio or transcript of the last hearing, even though they have my email address. I asked CPS what had taken place, and even the social worker, who is obligated to keep me informed about this case, has refused to say anything. I have not received any information about what was decided in the last hearing except that fact finding was scheduled.

Until yesterday. I found out only a day ago, from my aunt, that CPS told my aunt my right to visit with my son OVER THE PHONE, was quit. This Judge said I couldn't talk to my son over the phone, when this is the only way I've been able to keep in touch with him, when I couldn't travel to see him in person because of disability. My aunt said CPS told her the judge said I couldn't talk to my son until I moved back to Wenatchee--where I cannot get medical care and cannot get documentation I need to prove my defense.

There was no argument that the phone conversations "harmed" my son or were inappropriate. They were good for my son, and it was the only way he was able to keep in touch with his mother, and then this judge THROWS it out. How can any Judge or state employee claim this is supporting my parental rights to visitation with my son? It further proves they are bent on severing all contact together, to destroy my son's memory of his mother and our bond.

Not only that, it is coercive and discriminatory.

I'm not even having normal periods, at all. I haven't had normal periods for 8 mnths and they're completely tapering off altogether. I went from 5 day normal periods to almost nothing now. I used up 2 tampons total, last month, and the month before I used 4 or 5. My periods lasted 2 days and were extremely light flow and almost nonexistant. This has been going on for AWHILE and I have proof I went to Wenatchee and that Washington area for medical care, for broken tailbone and fractured pelvis and prolapse, and other things, and I could NOT get even simple diagnostics in Wenatchee.

I have to get these things checked out, and the state expects me to go back to a town and area where none of my medical needs would be met objectively. There could be a major issue or medical problem going on, and I'm extremely fatigued all the time, and yet they have a problem with acknowledging this.

Not only that, while I'm not mentally ill or "schitzophrenic" as they claimed, to not just all of the U.S., but Canada as well (with zero proof or evaluation), they DO know I've had counselors which I actually was counseled by, who believe the only diagnostic that fits is mild PTSD from actual traumatic experiences which were incurred by what the Catholic church litigation and sexual assault by 2 FBI employees.

On one hand, the state claims I'm mentally ill. If so, if this is their argument, how are they justified in denying me representation? They tell me to go pro se?! On the other hand, if they think I'm fit to be pro se, they must also believe I'm sane enough and fit enough to then care for my son. If I'm so schitzophrenic or whathaveyou, can I be expected to make my own defense?

It really comes down to the fact that this town justice system refuses to acknowledge my PHYSICAL medical issues. At the same time, they claim they are not colluding with Wenatchee medical professionals, to deny me objective diagnostics and evaluations for damages incurred by refusal of standard of care in Wenatchee, and damages which were incurred BY these same professionals.

They switched who the AG is for the state and I've repeatedly asked for her email to contact her and they refuse to do this or forward my emails to her. I've already told the state I cannot afford the long distance calls to her, and that U.S. postal mail will take too long when I'm in D.C. and I was only given a few weeks notice of the next upcoming hearing. Ann McIntosh, for the AG, has made zero effort to contact me herself. Also, when I found out what her full name was, "Mary Ann McIntosh", I remembered SHE was the female AG whom I spoke with long ago, before dependency, who was pumpting me for information over the phone when I called the AG for help. After I talked to them for hours, over a couple of days, she was nasty towards me, and said she couldn't take calls from me because it was a conflict of interest. This was after she got my complaint and information out of me first.

The state makes every effort to PREVENT me from accessing the justice system.

The Judge does the same, and cuts off my visitation as well.

If they are going to refuse to give me discovery, and the audio for the hearings where I was hung up on, and if they are going to tell me to be pro se and claim I'm mentally ill in the same breath, and cut me off from having any kind of legal defense, it seems to me that going back to Wenatchee would be a way to subject myself to an involuntary commitment to a psych ward for "evaluation". This judge would do it, just out of spite for my comments about him and attempt to recuse him. The PDs would advocate for this because I've called attention to them as well. My own family is so fanatical, and thinks my "swearing" is a sign of mental illness, they would probably sign off on something like that, just to defend THEMSELVES and the crap I've been pulling out of the family secrets closet. I sure as hell know the Wenatchee medical professionals want this, because they attempted to do this right before I left Wenatchee, and they had two Wenatchee mental health professionals tell them, to their angry and flustered faces, that I was inadmissable.

I am still inadmissable, but based on the unethical wranglings I've already witnessed, I would not doubt whatsoever that this is something they would try to pull. Given this treatment, it is not in my best interest to go back to Wenatchee, vulnerable and on my own, without a legal team backing me.
It isn't my choice, but I don't have good options because of their attempts to bully and power-push me around.

All I can do is to take care of the legitimate medical problems I have, which are physical, NOW, and prove them wrong after they try to win another hearing against me without giving me a fighting chance.

My aunt told me CPS told HER that my right to call my son were quit. They told my aunt not to take any calls from me, on behalf of my son. This was Marie Scanlon who told my aunt this. Marie has said nothing of the sort to ME, and I'm the one who's been asking what's going on, and whom she has an obligation to keep informed. My aunt said she told the state she didn't want to be the one to tell me and that I should hear it from the state first. To date, no one from the state has contacted me about this matter.

I don't have access to law books, or legal resources, at all.

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