Monday, July 28, 2008

Criminalization Of Use Of Marijuana

What should be criminal is withholding the right medicine from the people who need it.

Doctors should be using weed as a first line of treatment and to do otherwise is contrary to the best interests of our country.

I did the research. And I've tried it, after trying everything else. I highly, highly recommend migraine sufferers find a discreet way to try this for themselves. Read about it first if you like. It works.

Before, I did a two month experiment and then quit. I had already quit long before I worked for the oil refinery. And I didn't smoke while I worked there, at all. It had been over a month or more. I only smoked for two months, and on principle, that I'd discovered it works, I quit. I tried the Migranol instead.

Last month would make month #3 where I tried it and it worked. So far, there has been a consistent success rate.

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