Monday, July 28, 2008

Medicinal Marijuana Testimonial On Migraine, Again

Great. I'm getting a migraine and I don't have any weed.

My last migraine period I was totally out of Migranol, which doesn't help much anyway. I smoked a few inhales (about 4-5) with people in Albuquerque, NM and took about 1/16th of a joint with me to abort my next migraine or try to inhale a bit before I was due.

Guess what? I didn't have a migraine!!! I did not have a migraine before my period, but I got one a week later, when my normal course of period would have been over (even though I wasn't having a normal period...example, no period for days but still the after-period migraine came at the same time, as if I were having a normal period) but it was very, very, light. I didn't know what my new roommate would think of me smoking even a tiny bit and I couldn't sleep bc of the migraine so I, GET THIS, I didn't want to wake him up by opening the door and stepping outside to smoke (and I didn't have a lighter), so I put it in my mouth, chewed it up with the wrapper and everything, and ate it. It was DISGUSTING but it seemed to help a little and within a half hour I fell asleep and didn't have migraine the next day.

So the little bit of weed AGAIN fully prevented my first migraine, and greatly reduced the after-period migraine. I have to make this known publicly, because this is a TRAVESTY that the federal government doesn't have this legalized yet. COME ON U.S.A! Do we want to be left behind in the dust?!!! in the scientific community?

Anyway, I ate the last bit of weed I had and haven't smoked or found (or asked around) since then. Now I'm getting one that's trying to break through. I don't even need a half of a joint. It takes, for me, about 1/8 of a joint to prevent and abort a month's worth of migraines. Which is really incredible.

It's illegal here in Maryland I think. But who is going to make a fuss? I am so excited to find this totally works, and I want all migraine sufferers to be able to try it, and have it prescribed LEGALLY.

Believe me, if I'd known about this, I would have done it 10 years ago. But when certain people were claiming I was "drug-seeking" I never was. I've never done any drug in my life except marijuana, and THIS, only after my son was taken from me and I was in Blaine, after Canada. That's it.

I'm a total advocate for passing a bill or changing the law. People who work for the DEA have to know people, personally, who suffer from migraine. What about the FBI? and the states? don't they know people who have migraines? I guess triptans work for some, but it doesn't prevent migraine. For me, marijuna almost completely prevents my migraine and aborts them so I'm fully functional.

Even my migraine right now, which I think is a migraine, but maybe it's just tension bc it seems too soon for me to have another migraine, is light.

1/8th of a joint a month.

How is this criminal in any way? for a legitimate medical reason? and the cost? it's so cost-effective.

If I had health insurance, I'd try to stay legal, and use remedies that don't even work right, until I could do mj legally. But I don't have health insurance. Also, if I were in a state that allowed permits, I would do that, but I'm not currently in such a state. Which is exactly why the federal government should take the initiative and change the law, so it doesn't matter which state you live in.

I'd like to know if any state, or the government has a better solution for me. I've tried everything else. So am I supposed to just suffer? just because of an archaic and unreasonable law? and be stigmatized when this is harmless and HELPS me?

Who, in their right mind, would argue this is wrong? I cannot be accused of being an addict when I inhale only a couple of puffs a MONTH and it prevents migraine, and I'm not showing up at ER anywhere.

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