Thursday, July 24, 2008

DSMV I: Bitch

I think people just want me to be on medication for being a bitch when my occasional bitchiness is justified.

I think this realization is why I've been playing Meredith Brooks' song "Bitch" over and over like it's my personal anthem.

I can be a god-damn good mother and be a bitch too.

I've been listening to "Bitch" today (YEAH! fist in the air) and "Learn" by Alanis Morrisette. Even the shit that's thrown my way to bury me is useful. I've become stronger because of it, so thank you.

Thank you for making me stronger and showing me just how tough I really am.

Truth is, I'm very rarely this way, but only as is required or provoked. Nice people get a nicer me in return for usually, just being halfway normal and not obsessed with trying to smear me to cover up their own shit.

I'm just pumping up to write some more TTSOML's and get the rest of the truth out there. I did all that writing the last TTSOML time, under a bit of stress and with 2Monster drinks within reach. Good stuff.

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