Thursday, July 24, 2008

Outcome of Hearing Yesterday

I got a continuance of one month.

So that is good, and I thanked the judge, even though I know any regular attorney would get a lot more than a month to prepare.

So either I'm screwed again in one month, pro se, or I luck out and have a private attorney to bat for me.

I am trying to get some diagnostics on my own in the meantime, but still don't have money for it. So, I have to network and wait on it. Which doesn't mean I'm being lazy. Let me tell you...the MEN over here are fiiiiiiiiiinee.

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I'm only kidding.

You know what the really sad thing was about the hearing yesterday, was that CASA workers and the state were trying to get the judge to enforce his order to ban my son from having telephone visitation with me. They wanted to cut off his conversations with his mother. These people are seriously sick. The judge said no, he wouldn't do this. So I continue with my phone calls to my son, which my son needs and benefits from. Here's the state, claiming to be interested in keeping the bond, and doing everything to break it. I've had roommates who have overheard my conversatoins with my son, and my aunt and her family know my talking with my son is good for him and always appropriate, as I tell him what I'm doing, ask him what he's been doing, sing songs with him that he loves and SINGS along with. Just the day before, I comforted my son to sleep and it's not the first time this has happened.

I hope the CASA people and state workers lose their jobs. They're a disgrace to children and families, and to the government. These CPS numbskulls would have all those FDLS children permanently removed from their loving mothers if they had anything to do with it. They must recruit only the most narrow-minded legal sluts for this kind of work. I'm just sayin'.

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