Friday, July 25, 2008

Life In DC Area

I'm starting to think people in Maryland walk to the beat of a different drummer. Today I saw a beautiful woman walking down the sidewalk in 90 degree weather, with a sleeveless shirt on...and a SILK scarf wrapped around her neck. I have been sitting in a deli where they've been playing Christmas music for the last 2 hours and I think it's a radio station. Christmas music in July. And then last night, this businessman sat as the only white man in a crowded Hispanic restaurant/bar and put his feet up on the chair next to him, as he read his newspaper. His feet were on a chair, and his legs bent so that his knees rose above the table. He'd had dinner and white wine, and ordered dessert and more white wine. Then when I was dancing with a guy, he pushed me to get by, without saying a word. We all just looked at him. I thought, "Who does he think he IS?!" and I saw an almost full glass of white wine on his table. I wanted to reach over and grab it and down it, just to spite him. Thanks for the wine asshole. Of course, I didn't. It wouldn't be very cool for a man to do this, but I think a woman doing this would rock. Viva la revolution. Just kidding.

I've met a lot of middle eastern people over here, and many of my job offers are coming from this direction. And from the Turkish.

Right now, at this moment, a female country singer is singing, "Where are you Christmas? Where are you now?..." in an ethnic deli.

I have a hot date tonight. I've been networking today until I go out. He's a scientist. Yay! I love the NIH campus!!! And from another country (I won't say which, out of privacy interest). Yay! Interesting, no? Last night I danced with a bunch of Guatamalen and Honduran and Mexican men. I sort of learned how to salsa. I was working on stuff and was asked to dance, and how could I say no? But I don't know what the bar owner thinks of me now, because the only 2 other hispanic women left and I was the only woman along with a singer, and I danced with a whole roomful of men. Oh! and without other people standing up and dancing! I just partner danced with one after the other after the other. It was sort of daunting, but I had one cervesa con limon and that took the edge off. I danced with an old, old, man, and a serious gangbanger, and some honest workers, and a 22 year old who was celebrating his birthday that night. I danced at least one time with anyone who asked. It was fun. Nobody spoke English except me. I realized my Spanish isn't as good as I thought, or the music was loud, because I kept having to repeat myself. The music WAS really, really, loud. I found out I like a style of music called "bachata", and of course I danced to the reggaeton.

I'm going out with an Irish guy and already went out with probable CIA-guy who lives next to the organization base, and my roommate is black. We're just friends. Ah! but I love the diversity!

Now, if someone would just be so kind as to want to help me and my son by making an annonymous donation (or not annonymous) to a private attorney for my case, I would be happy.

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