Friday, July 25, 2008

To Be Different

Ohmigosh. It IS a radio station! (see last post for reference). The DJ just announced, "Merry Christmas in July!" or something like that. They're seriously playing Christmas songs in July over here. Right now I'm hearing: "Jingle Bells".

This is reeeeeaaaaaallly weird. I think I fit in here. Crap. This could be a problem.

Oh, and by the way, over here, everybody knows someone or at least 5 people who work for the CIA, FBI, ATF, and NSA. It is NO BIG DEAL and no one will accuse you of being delusional if you say so. There's tons of government workers and military here. I thought I'd have to join the military to meet a few good men, but all I had to do was move to Maryland.

Now the song playing is "Santa Claus Is Coming To Town." I kid you not. This is so weird. I wonder if they play the Beach Boys during Christmas, just to be different over here.

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